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  1. It is a shame that anyone would want to humiliate a 14-16 year old, regardless of the sport, the school, or what happened in the past.  It is an opportunity for averages to go up, but at the expenses of hurting a child. 
  2. That is the site that I have been checking, will only let you see the first page (1-25). Thanks
  3. I coach at Warren and I have been trying to get on the TGCA site to see who was chosen for the acedimic all-state.  The site will only let me go to the first page on Class 2A selection.  You have Alyssa Hatton down as being chosen for the Academic All-State Team, could you please tell me where you got your information.  I do not want to tell Alyssa, until I find out the information is correct.  Thank you very much.
  4. I have only posted twice on this site.  Did not know it existed until last year, I was one that there was so much negative remarks being made.  It is sad, that bashing, taunting, fault finding is what we are drawn to.  Kind of like the news, all you hear is bad.  Look how many people will read a post that is bashing a coach or a team.  As the coach of Warren High School I would llike to ask my players if you are involved in the negative remarks or trash talking that we stop.  I have all the respect for Regina and Tabitha.  They are both great coaches that produce great teams year after year.  I love my girls and I hope none of us are responsible for making the remarks about being awesome or  perfect.  I had to apologize to my team for my behavior when we played Woodville.  I do not feel we played good, however if you ask Tabitha there were times that she probably was not happy with the way their team played.  But I got very angry over a volleyball game.  We have men loosing their lives in war and we are arguing over a game.  I am a born again Christian.  I do not need to go around boasting, bragging about being a Christian, however as a child of God I do need to live a Godly life.  When I stand before God I know he is not going to ask me how many wins or did I make it to the play-offs, however I probably will be asked at about the times I lost my temper or children over a game.  God gave us healthy bodies to be able to play this games and that is what we need to do.  Put the Shut to the Up and play.  Good luck to all of you.  My girls, please do not post negative remarks.  If you want to show you level of play...do it on the court not on this site. 
  5. Who won Kirbyville or Hemphill?
  6. When is the last time you have gone to a coach and thanked them for the time and effort that they put in their program. Unfortunately, some of you have no idea how many hours are put in coaching and to add with very little pay.  Every once in a while it would be nice for a coach to hear something positive.  When your program is winning the coach gets very little recognition, but let the team lose, and it is all their fault.  Coach Thornton was and still is a good coach, however, because of her health she had to get out of coaching. I am sure the stress of coaching was not good for her health.  I had the opportunity to coach this young lady when she was in high school and she is an outstanding person. You should feel blessed that you have a young coach that was willing to take the program.  Back her up instead of fault finding.    One of the blessings of coaching is seeing young ladies that learned that playing  sports is not always about winning.  It teaches also teaches you life long lessons such as how to overcome obstacles, how to work and come together as a team to reach goals that have been set, how not to give up no matter how hard life becomes or how negative people are.  Hang in there Coach, and always remember you are never going to make everyone happy when you are a coach (winning or losing).
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