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Everything posted by sfa87

  1. micheals dont even come close 2 charles period
  2. man folks were pencilin a win when they saw west brook on the schedule, this man has bought them back on tha map, when we had charles west brook couldnt come close to beating us
  3. Cmon Souja u n PNG hold off  for two more weeks and then tha showdown will b complete i will definitely b in tha house 4 this match up will not b going 2 see my TITANS i will b @ tha babe 4 this one.
  4. PNG would like to see them whipp up on tha Yates Lions in the playoffs tired of my co worker running his mouth bout Yates
  5. man before stump arrived at the Brook u couldnt find anyone on that Friday night experience website, the only i saw was YEOJ, thats it hes a true Bruin Fan, now folks wanna talk cause we r on here, win lose or draw im gonna come on here regardless, get ready for a butt whippin cant wait
  6. Boy all those North Shore fans are rooting against us, thats cool , the victory will b even sweeter, GO TITANS
  7. i will b on as well but will u b online when we make mince meat out tha Cubs i mean Bruins
  8. its all good i like this site cause on 5a website them ns fans are some crybabies.
  9. we need to open to throw in tha middle of the field period, Kenny Ray needs 2 b aggressive on tha offensive end, he needs to unleash Shaquille white, hes our secret weapon
  10. matter of fact before stump got to West Brook, folks penciled WB so dont go there here give us our do, its our time, West Brook will fall Frisday night cause Earl Hines Sloan and Roy is not having it at all. West Brook could not touch us when Jamaal was playing it was a blowout each time, Stump is talking trash on tha news last week, but let me tell u they aint playing Channelview r Lee this week, they r gonna see a fast physical defense in their life just likewe did north shore
  11. our kids r too cocky, the ns win has gotten to their heads saw some leaks that we need to fix before friday alot of busted assignments in tha secondary but this is our time.
  12. well u guys dont have mr micheal 2 bail u out, did anyone see jermaine taylor get knocked out, he needs to hang his gloves up
  13. i think its our time tha streak will end this year.
  14. its gonna b a war, Kenny Ray needs to work on that pass defense, leaks everywhere and dont think Stump didnt notice he will attack it but other than my boy lil chicki Paul Roy is a beast was everywhere.
  15. when does png play central the indians are 4 real
  16. Isnt this bout tha preditions of our game why r we worry bout PNG STadium we ar playing in our stadium, no one needs png stadium its nice and all but it cant touch the Berry Center dont even come close the best stadium in tha state of Texas period hopefully we can get a stadium like that, i see Beaumont has decided 2 do their own and its awesome 2.
  17. Good job Bruins now its our turn to hold tha other end of tha bargain and then the showdown will take place.
  18. Goat u are crazy , but i luv piising them cry baby north shore fans off this made my year cause my coworker is a big north shore fan and he was hurrahn ne to death in front of our co workers bout coming to pa but know hes doesnt wanna come back but he has to cause hes djn tha 70s party for me in jan
  19. hey 85 that defense was off tha chain bro and yes i am having a change of tune our offense just needs 2 get it in gear and then we can make a run, 85 i know u hate tha spread o but its tha change of tha times lets 69 loaded option go bro its ok.
  20. I see nederland is struggling this they lost 2 QBS and Central is rolling but i think the game will b close cause Neumann can flat out, i think it will go down the wire. Central in a close one
  21. Dont know what happened panama how r u, i miss debating with you who ur team is again
  22. PNG 7-0 Baby want them to come to HTOWN and whip Yates and possibly angleton
  23. Hey Folks we were in one of tha best games since this school merged and it was like being at a funeral, our fans really pissed me off u are bout to upset one of the best teams in tha state and fans were sitting around like a funeral, but watch tommorow, folks out of no where will b here to watch us tommorow, i luv the PNG and Katy fans if it were crunch time they would b in a frenzy, LET GO TITANS FANS LETS GET IT IN GEAR AND START BEING LOUD 4 OUR ITS GETTING CLOSE @ PLAYOFF TIME NO TIME TO SLACK OFF NOW WE HAVE MOMENTUM AND A COLLISION COURSE WITH THA BROOK, they will b ready, peace
  24. souja whats tha dam deal its been a long time im pissing them north shore fans on 5a texas football, i think im gonna stay on here cause folks b getting all personal and i dont have time for this folks are cowards running their mouth on tha internet but its good when u guys are gonna play PNG
  25. im pulling for WB cause i want it 2 b a showdown with both teams undefeated next week
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