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Everything posted by YoungLUFan

  1. I'll be there cheering on the Cards with my mom. We need 8,000 for homecoming.
  2. Isn't this only Coach Rock's second year to be the head coach? Even if he is making mistakes I think it would be best to keep him if he is the type of person who learns from his mistakes. I think he does and it would be difficult for Lamar to get a coach who loves the university like Coach Rock does.
  3. That girl from Spain can shoot the ball.
  4. Wouldn't you know, the people at Lamar plan something and the weather will not cooperate.
  5. I don't remember Lamar Sanders exact stats from last year but it was close to a double-double. If he can get back to the way he played last season and Kenny Dawkins stays injury free, Matt Barrow can give some rebounding help along with his outside shooting and D-Hop can play this season like he did at the end of last year I still think Lamar can have a very good season and maybe win the eastern division of the SLC.
  6. All I know is everyone in my section thinks Kenny Dawkins is the best PG at Lamar since Atiim Browne. I have no idea how good he was because I wasn't born yet. He must have been pretty good because Dawkins is a great PG for any team in the SLC. If he was 4 inches taller he'd be playing for LSU, Texas, Texas Tech, Mississippi State, Ole Miss or some program like that.
  7. LU wins in a high scoring game. The guys from Mississippi will rise to the occasion and the Cardinals will leave Ole Miss with a victory.
  8. I went on the concourse with my dad and saw the former great players on display and Mr Caldwell was one of them. If he is as good a coach as he appears to be a former player someone is lucky to have hired him.
  9. All I know is Currye Todd can shoot the Rock! D-Hop played well tonight but I guess we have to take into account the competition.
  10. I met Ashton Hall tonight and he was really cool. I'd say he is my favorite player as of now plus he is from Kountze. So, he is a guy from this area. I really enjoyed talking with him and man, that dude is tall. I think he'll be starting by the end of the season.
  11. I went to the volleyball game tonight and saw most of the lady basketball players there. I've heard talk about their looks and yes they are some fine ladies but they are darn tall too!
  12. Great people there and the university as well as the community are lucky to have them!
  13. He is everything this people state and more. More, yea he is the Head Women's basketball coach at Lamar University. Simply the best!
  14. Coach Roc will have these guys playing a fun brand of basketball for the players and the fan's. It will be exciting!
  15. Lamar has Sugar Shane Mahoney, Brandon McThay and Kenny Dawkins. Just watching the scrimmage I think McThay and Dawkins will play the majority of the time. Dawkins is quick, can breakdown the defense, run the break, finish and the dude can shoot. Yep, I think we got our PG.
  16. I have a good feeling about this team.
  17. I'm ready for some bb action but it would not hurt my feeling for some LU football too!
  18. Is it just me, or does the Lamar basketball team look more muscular?
  19. Now that would be totally cool!
  20. Dang, they played better versus Nebraska.
  21. Great job Lady Cardinals! Hopefully our family will attend the game today. They deserve to have people coming out to see them play and it looks by this article people are starting to get the message about Lamar Volleyball.
  22. David Jones who was a PG has the highest percentage on 3-pts in his career.
  23. Did I win anything?
  24. My dad tells me Lamar beat the University of Texas and Louisiana State University on their way to a elite eight finish. He said over 9,000 attended the game versus LSU in the Montagne Center.
  25. This sounds awesome and hopefully I'll be there. I really want to see the Slam Dunk competition. Ashton Hall, Jay Brown, Justin Nabors, Tristan Worrell, Lamar Sanders and Matt Barrow will put on a exciting event. I can't wait to see if this girl from Spain is as good as I've been told. I heard she is one HOT lady! Forgive me, I forgot her name. ;D
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