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Everything posted by Wildfire

  1. either buck or case but i really dont like any knives anymore cuz nobody makes carbon steel knives anymore yeah they rust but they held the best blade and i wont carry anything but one
  2. me and my boys at west hardin still and will always pray before games so you know wut this government can go to hell it was formed by christians so we could do that if there is some one on the team that doesnt want to leave the room but we will always pray god bless america and god bless the oilers
  3. playing for fun thank you i mean i play with my girl friends some times but not much and the reason i said its for losers earlier becuz people always get to wrapped up in it and BIG HEADED over a few game so i agree with wut you say
  4. good god who argues over TENNIS any ways tennis is for losers
  5. joe frazier i like him just cuz he beat ali
  6. WUT were the results of the powerlifting meet in high island
  7. i know chance as well very strong but god his wraps just about break your legs in half
  8. lol heck yes but one problem for me and my guys we only had one starting lineman over 200 lbs. lol the west hardin line was LT- Cody Letsinger 161 lbs. / LG-Dean White(me) 150 lbs/ C-Derick Hensin 241 Lbs RG- Chris Fregia 178 lbs./ RT Cody Ingram 177 lbs lol but as small as we are most of us got all-district 1st team so we must of done some thing right
  9. hey i am from a 1A West Hardin Oilers but me and my boys we would be glad to... but wut kind of events would we do and would it be in pads is it school related like extracurricular and all that mess i need to know so i can talk to coach
  10. when is it supposed to be and how many you got so far
  11. hey wuts the word on that i might be able to get some guys in thur
  12. at 7 40 in the morning two days before thanksgiving a dead deer was found with a hole in his rib cage and all its guts and insides missing the discoverer's claim it was still warm .... my guess these scougors around here are getting more agressive i known they wur around but now they have no predators around here so they are getting more agressive
  13. for west hardin's offensive and defensive line we did pretty dang good for the fact that besides our center our biggest lineman was 185 lbs. and the smallest starting (me) was 145 lbs. with a line that small you would think we wouldn't have done anything at all but that just shows that teamwork and experince is more important than lone size and skill
  14. westhardin they dont have the size in the line any more but the are quick but tyler and his recievers should be able to pick them apart
  15. well hey anybody gonna fish around dam b i havent been in a long time and it wasnt that good cuz the flooded it but is it any better
  16. i bet ben miller can play tennis one on two with his eyes blind folded 8) ;D :D
  17. well it's been killing me too long im goin this weekend just some pond hopping dont care if i catch anything or not just wanna go!!!
  18. ok lets drop the Tyler thing any ways when is the first games
  19. hey i just got started on this bow fishin thing i was wonderin if any body got any tips
  20. cat calm down bud you know wut coach said about talkin on this site when it comes to high school sports it only starts truble by the way do you want to go campin at "The Hut" or the "M.S Camp" this weekend . oh by the way bud you mind stayin after school tuesday for tennis i haven't practiced once yet!!! and i didnt know Ty-Ty was playin tennis?? oh well TTYL
  21. all i can say is that it sucks to be you then. sick with the 30-06
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