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It does not matter what county a team is from. As I stated earlier, PNG is not alone in this district, they are not the "Chosen Team". The local stations need to give recognition to all area teams, not just PNG. Seems to me you need to take up your complaint of this "media conspiracy against all other southeast Texas schools" with the local media and not fans on a high school football message board. You are sounding very whiney. And you are sounding like a typical PNG fan that can not see beyond the bounds of your city limit signs. For pete's sake, there was even a "Mid County Kindness Day" and there were people on the news making the statement that "I can't wear that shirt, I have to wear my purple shirt". Open your eyes, people, the world does not revolve around you or your school district. Were all of you created from the same mold? We can only hope that a newer version has been created, one that doesn't bleed purple, but bleeds red like the rest of the people in this area.
Have you ever gone to a game in Vidor? The whole town turns out, there is no where to park. People start lining the streets at 8:00 a.m. to get ready for the homecoming parade so they can get a good spot. The whole town basically shuts down. So, no, I don't believe it has to do with the number of advertisements sold in the Port Arthur News. We are talking about local stations, as in KFDM, which is located in Beaumont, but rarely reports on the Beaumont and other surrounding teams.
You know what FootballFan82, people from PN-G have to listen to people like you all the time complaining on how the media is biased towards us, how we think we are better than everybody else and how arrogant we all are..... We take it all in stride. It all comes full circle when we show up to an away game and shine our pearly white smiles real big for everyone to see knowing we are surrounded by twice as many fans (even during a losing season) as you have at your home games. So, apparently it isn't just me since you hear it from people all of the time. And I guess things did come full circle, since your team choked this year and your true colors have emerged...............black and blue. Guess I hit a nerve, huh?
I agree totally with what your saying but I also know for a fact that it is not the media that promotes the PNG article its the represenatives of PNG. The article is posted in the paper each week with the information that is provided by PNG and it a joint effort between the two probably iniated by PNG. This goes back to what i posted earlier, PNG has the reputation they do because they have earned it. If your program wants to have their information provided to the public someone needs to step up and take that same initative and get with the media and I bet they would be happy to help you out, they love that kinda stuff. I believe that is what is wrong with alot of kids these day they want everything handed to them and they expect to get equal treatment in everything without the initative. You want it go get it yourself and quit blaming everyone else!! Excuse me..........but FYI........I know for a fact that our coaches have contacted the media regarding some of our teams achievements, but guess what.........once again PNG took over the sports cast and our teams win was not mentioned, except for the fact that you could check out the tv stations internet site to review other scores. So.......don't try to pass it off as anything other than it is...........bias towards PNG. And, also, I do not have a mental problem as was stated, apparently you can't handle the truth!
Never said I had a problem with your fans.............I have a problem with the way the media for some reason favors your team more than any other in the district!! If I were a visitor to this area I would think from the coverage your team/teams obtain that your school is the only one in the district. Apparently, you are one of those that were put into a purple diaper from birth and think that is the only color worth mentioning. Admit it, some of your fans are some of the most disrepectful out there, whether it be at a game or in a public location!! Just go to one of the local malls and watch the body language of the people wearing PN-G shirts, they have a better than thou attitude. Welcome back down to earth with the rest of us................HOW DOES IT FEEL