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Everything posted by smp83

  1. Ok, let's get our focus back on this Friday and winning. All of this arguing is doing nothing but making both teams fans look bad (not the players...the fans). Whether any of this took place or not, the players from all 3 team played hard to get where they are and deserve to be here. And whether it took place or not it has nothing to do with the players so lets remember that. They are innocent in all of this (whatever "this" is) and we need to focus on encouraging and rooting for them. Coop said it would be discussed Wed night so let's wait and see what is said instead of speculating. The adults can do whatever they want to each other but leave the players out of it. Neither teams players deserve to have it said that their accomplishments are tarnished because of something adults did or didn't do.
  2. You have played very well and I expect you will go far in the playoffs.
  3. No, that is not what I meant... I was basing that statement on the fact that someone said they had a lot of young players. I think this year was a learning experience for them and even though they didn't win many games they have a year under their belt. Instead of getting down about this year turn it around and say, "ok, we know what to expect now and I believe we can work hard to win next year". I think the mental aspect plays a big part. I didn't mean anything negative towards this years team and hope nobody took it that way.
  4. Good post...couldn't agree more
  5. Vidor, don't worry about what anyone else says. If the boys believe they can win and work hard to make it happen it can be done. Your young players should have much more confidence going into next season. That in itself will count for a lot. I hope you do well next year!
  6. Yeah, most people know that. Good luck to ya'll.
  7. If they keep playing like they have been I wouldn't be surprised if they do.
  8. There's no "truth" to hurt us...we haven't played ya'll again yet and nobody knows the outcome of that game until after we do play. And if you beat us, so be it...you can finally stop whinning about your loss to us in week 1.
  9. It can be done!! This year of experience for the younger players should help tremendously next year.
  10. So you are just now figuring this out about some Dayton fans...they've been acting this way all season...but I guess you don't see it until it's against your team. Not all are like this...just a couple. Most are good sports. Each team has their few who make it hard for others. Good luck to all teams in the playoffs!!
  11. IF we make it far enough to play Dayton again (assuming they make it also)...it looks like we would've had to beat some very good teams to get there...I'm not saying we would beat Dayton again but if we got that far it would have to say something for our team, right?? Obviously it would mean we are over the "1st time playoff jitters" and are playing good football. Just a thought.
  12. It's really nice to see all the positive comments for our team. We really do appreciate all of them. Thanks to the players and coaches for a great season and for giving our community something to come together over. I see only positive coming from all of this. Great job guys!!
  13. my thoughts exactly as an outsider looking in on this thread and others like it.
  14. Did you not read any of the PNG posts :D
  15. I agree...your freshman team looked really good the other night. I expect a few of them to be on varsity next year.
  16. Thanks for the posts and for your support. We are obviously very excited and proud of our guys. It's been a long time coming and this is a great and deserving group. Way to go Raiders!!
  17. Thanks to Ned for the great posts and support for our team. We will do our best to represent this district well. Hope some of you can come and watch!!
  18. Yeah, you're right. Trying very hard to ignore them and just enjoy the win. Great win for our boys...they deserve it!!
  19. EARTHQUAKE IN SOUTHEAST TEXAS? What was originally thought to be an eathquake turned out to be nothing more than the L-train chugging it's way to a victory Friday night. Tremors could be felt as far away as Nederland. Aftershocks are expected to last throughout the day!
  20. Excited, nervous. Keep picturing in my mind how it will be when we win ;D
  21. I'm not sure of the score but I think Memorial won by 9 pts
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