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Everything posted by Oiler24

  1. Ha! Are you kidding me? No one, not one person around here is scared of you and yours!!!!!!!! You better watch yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wrote and sent......................
  2. So classy we sparkle!!!! Maybe I'll let you shine my shoes one day!!!!!
  3. You've got a problem kitty-cat.............you should've never logged in................
  4. Hey there kitty-kitty sounds like you know lots about poor sportsmanship just read your own BS that you put on here!!!! Sounds like you just used up your nine lives with that comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets meet......you game big shot?
  5. Dang.......hope it's not serious.
  6. Win or lose at least Steven Hatcher ain't your quarterback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That's who we had back in my day!!!!! Go Oilers!!!!!!!
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