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Everything posted by 3amagic

  1. I am sure the coach just wanted to make sure he got his work in for the week. After 130+ pitches surely his velocity will be back up next time out. He will probably need to throw a bull pen on Thursday though.
  2. The name of this thread should be "Who is the second best pitcher setx" (after Matt Hicks) then we could have a real debate.
  3. TOP 5 REASONS PATRIOT AND AGGIES SHOULD LET IT GO: (based of this board) 1.The district executive committe voted and agreed to the schedule change (this is the sup from all school districts) 2.The same teams complaining did the same thing last year (with no vote called for by anyone) 3.This time no advantage was gained (Vidor didn't attempt to throw either pitcher that will throw Friday) 4.THE GAME IS OVER 5.THE GAME IS OVER 5b. It makes you sound like a cry baby. > > > LET IT GO ;D ;D ;D
  4. Vidor and Simms are to much. I say Simms keeps his scoreless innings streak going. Vidor 4 LCM 0
  5. Correct me if I am wrong. But didn't Hicks throw a complete game at HJ. I know he pitched just not sure how much. According to those on this site he got the win. And he came in last night and pitched 3. That would be 10 on the week.
  6. Like I said Vidor wins in this one. Now alone in first place.
  7. I would have to say Vidor is the winner in this one :D
  8. Looks like BC is the big fan favorite in this one. I agree. LCM has not shown that it has the pitching to hang with the likes of BC. BC probably has 3 or 4 guys that could win this one on the bump, but they won't need that many with Hicks on the mound. I predict BC remains the hotest team in setx. LCM 2 BC 8
  9. From my experience I have learned that at each different school there are quite a few or virtually none. From what I can tell there is not much middle ground. An athletic program is very clean or very dirty. Rampant steroid use does not usually occur until after graduation from high school. It is much more prevalent in the colleges.
  10. Cards versus LCM hit 3 bombs and held the "powerfull" bears to just 5 runs in 10 innings. Maybe a few should reevaluate who should be number 1.
  11. So you think if he is offered the Jasper job he will turn it down?
  12. westend1 Lots of aspects to coaching. A short list would be 1) Decision making(always subjective, but over time, you get a feel for whether the guy really knows baseball) This is assuming you have enough knowledge to stand in judgement of those decisions, BIG ASSUMPTION. 2) Player development(Do they take the time to work on players weaknesses, or just write them off) This is assuming you are at practice and in period offseason workouts to truely know what the coach is working on with each kid. 3) Ability to interact with the kids(kids don't have to love the coach, but he must have some method of communication which makes the game fun for the kids or they won't play for him/her) So little Johny isn't having fun and the coach is a poor motivator. Again assuming you are around enough to actually see how the coach interacts with the kids, in the hall, locker room, weight room, on track, on the field during school, after shool practice. 4) Ability to interact with umpires(yelling isn't always the answer) Come on, this one just makes you look silly, and puts your credibility into real question. It is one thing to criticize if you are truely close enough to the situation to have in depth knowledge. I know few parents who do have this inside knowledge. Though I am sure you are one of the ones that doesn't let that stop you.
  13. What was the kid from mont. that played pro ball last year?
  14. Well if you have 4 guys legit "high 80's" meaning i supose 87-89 then you should win the region as you are likely the only team to have this. I know of no others who are even bosting of 2 like this.
  15. You can add one or two more to this list from what I am hearing. One at Vidor now, the former AD at Deweyville. The other at LCM now, former AD at Willis. Hearsay only.
  16. ;D Yea but if it was your school you would be the first to want to see the list. I would not if some had made it clear they might lose their job.
  17. Lets say you worked at a sports radio station, or were a tv weather man, or even an insurance agent. And there was this great job out there that paid twice what you were making. It would be great for your family if you could get that job. The only thing is if your current boss finds out you applied you are fired which would be catastophic for your family. You people are facilitating the catastrophic part. Mind your own business and at least wait for a finalist list. This world is about people. Do this for the families of these men that are applying.
  18. My page one post worries have come to life. An applicant may lose his job because you people can't mind your own business. Hope you guys feel good about yourselves when this man does not get the job but still has to take his wife and kids to a different town away form thier home and friends.
  19. Why can't people in this world today tend to ther own business. We are dealing with peoples lively hoods when it comes to these applicants. Just be patient and let them release the finalists and then the other 40 guys won't have to explain to their kids and their parents that they tried to leave them. JMO
  20. To me, here lies one of the problems. Are you going to do this like bigger schools or are you going to do this like smaller schools? Are we just going to do football like bigger schools and not the other boys sports and girls sports? That is the way most AD's approach programs these days. Run the football program like you are at Notre Dame but run the rest of your boys and girls sports like you wish they were not in your way. They make all decisions with football in mind and tell the public that that the decision was made in the best interest of the program when in fact everybody involves knows it was not. AD's Head Fooball Coaches that do not do this type of thing are few and far between.
  21. More like who is number 2 and 3? Not really a number one on that list. I predict disapointment for the Bears.
  22. If you want to talk about the move in that you guys got, then go ahead. Stop beating around the bush. I am just jealous he won't be playing for the longhorns. I saw him in Houston, and he is a heck of a player.
  23. You could be very right. When coaches like Barbe's get to coach local kids in the summer time, high school coaches and local communities better beware. The setx connection over in Lake Charles seems to be growing stronger and stronger.
  24. Best of luck to Matt. I know the people in BC and the district are sad to see you go. This does kind of open things up for the rest of us to have a chance. Should be a battle now for 1st place. I wonder if Coach Cecchini was in attendance last night scouting anymore of the local talent.
  25. I did not say " all " I said most..... Do you think Billy Bryant taught Dishon the fundamentals of baseball or do you think he learned that before he got to High School?? Congrats to those that help these kids progress to the level where they can compete for and win a starting spot on their high school team. Congrats to the high school coaches for teaching them an offensive philoshophy and defensive techniques and strategies to defend anything that might come at them during a contest. This is called developing a player and teaching them the game. Congrats to all of those along the way that help these kids have success in high school ball and to those that can consistantly put their kids in position to keep playing after high school ball is over. I think it is no coinsidence that it seems to be the same schools doing it over and over and over for many many years. In one instance a high school team was winning and their players were being signed all of the time. The coach changed schools and then his new school rose to that level and his former school quickly dropped off the map in playoff appearances and in college signees. I don't think it had anything to do with the dads. Billy Bryant is one of only a handful of coaches in this area that has taken a team to Austin. He has not only done it at BC he has done it at Buna as well. Do you think he just happened to have had great little league coaches send him ready made teams? No. He prepared the group of kids he had to work with and got them ready to compete against the other schools. The adults in Dishon's life got him to Billy Bryant and playing baseball and football at Brdige City High School helped prepare Dishon for college baseball.
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