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Everything posted by tigers88

  1. He have said? Maybe it's has said, excellent grammer there "guy". By the way, I'm sorry, you must be in your 60's because you're a crabby character.
  2. Tear them up Pill, we all know that you're going to be an outstanding Coach one day, man! Don't let anyone tear you down and tell you that you can't do it, everyone in the district knows about your basketball prowess, hell one day you might sitting next to Dicky V, winning the National Championship Babay! As for Soulja, let a kid put his 2 cents in without you badgering him, he's 18, you're 50...? That might just me being polite, possibly older, but anyways that has nothing to do with this matter. Nederland got a few, maybe not enough, Ozen always gets their starting 5, along with Central. All-District is about the best INDIVIDUAL players, not the best team, sure you may have a kid that scores 10 points a night for Ned, and contribute largely to the game, but overall probably not the calibur athlete and player that an Ozen or Central kid has. That's why it's all-district it's the one time a year where it's about the individual and not the team, unless you're a certain big man for Nederland, then it's always just about him. That's a wrap folks.
  3. This is a good idea but in all reality, how many people will actually follow through with the emails? Let's hope there will be alot. Otherwise, it will be a victory for the other side. As a former employee of BISD, NHS admin has a 'cake walk' . I guarantee you one thing the parents and superintendent would not stand for the lack of respect shown towards the students. Perhaps if he (top dog) would approach the offended parties and give an explaination of his actions then maybe this would not have been blown so way out of proportion. This thread is full of students, parents, fans, and outsiders that are all shaking their heads in disbelief. Instead, the students are getting the ole "I don't need to explain anything to you" response. That, my friends, is a total lack of respect. How many of us if we were in the same situation had been approached and told, "Look, I need your help. The reason I'm doing this is because....." would have responded in a respectful manner and agreed to not bring the dry erase board? I think there would be the vast majority of us agreeing to not bring it. Respect is earned, not demanded. These kids are still human beings and they deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. This is why all the grown ups are in an uproar. Just some words of advice to the administration......this world is small and everybody knows somebody in another town and word gets around. This will NOT look good on a resume or an application for a superintendent's position. Now whether the intentions are in good faith or not, it is still a huge public relations nightmare. As stated earlier, how about the admins go to a larger school district and they will really appreciate the kids and their so called "discipline problems". Been there. Done that. Finally, how many principals would love to have a student body that is fighting to show school spirit. Listen!! Did you hear that?! The wind is whispering.....bond issue, bond issue, bond issue.....
  4. I wonder if the kids had their dry erase board taken up then, too?
  5. After reading all these posts, one thing comes to mind. They won't let the kids support the team then why should the parents support the bond election? It seems that the administration has forgotten that NHS is not THEIR school. Seen it too many times in other districts. I think from all that is being said that this situation is just the 'tip of the iceberg'. I think this one dry erase board issue has finally forced parents and students alike to FINALLY stand up and say something. I talked to a Board member who said the "top dog" at the HS told him the reason was that the sign might incite a riot. At a rival game, as was told to the board member, the opposing team had a dry erase board, too. The "top dog" said the opposing coach asked that both sides remove the dry erase boards. Well, children, I talked to the coach in question and he informed me that, "I have no idea what you are talking about." Uh oh. Did a "top dog' tell an un-truth to a Board member? This dry erase board issue has finally unveiled the real reason for the banning.....a hidden agenda. Same as the dress code. What is school approved and where can the approved apparel be purchased? Someone made a ton o' money off that new rule, and, no, I bet it wasn't the school district and I bet that the business that profited pays taxes in another school district. Enough is enough!!!
  6. They're nt calling them out they're just harassing them. Nothing offensive just screaming at them, that's the whole idea of home-court advantage. I have personally heard anything offensive just them screaming the kid's name. I DON'T SEE A PROBLEM WITH THAT!! It's basketball it's ok to get in the opponents head. Have you actually personally seen them use the board?!?! Cuz if not then you have no business in this conversation.
  7. Because it's kids showing support for their TEAM. Would you say the Hawk Hecklers is ridiculous?
  8. That has to be the most ignorant thing I've ever heard. Just because you can't think of it doesn't make it ridiculous. Think before you post. Brain surgeon >
  9. As a parent, I support our kids! What are they supposed to do at basketball games? Drink tea? I agree with the student's assessment of Nederland's administrative staff. I was visiting and saw an administrator yell at a kid for wearing his pants too low when a young lady was wearing a very low cut shirt walked by. Not a word was said to her but the young man was berated publically. I really thought this man showed little respect for the student and I thanked God that my kids go elsewhere. The TAKS scores aren't that great so what is the admin thinking, "Our grades may be low but hey! We got discipline!" I really think this man needs a hobby. Remember, IF you decide to bring the dry erase board and there are consequences, be prepared for them because as I have found out, adults will only believe adults. However, as an adult who has seen his glory days fly by, I say to you, "You go, Bubba!!" Support your team and make many good memories! No regrets!!!
  10. Agreed. Indians playing too tough to beat. Weathersby doing good on the boards and they will be better when Berwick gets healthy.
  11. I was wondering why the economy is so bad, the number of unemployed people has risen, and the governmental bailouts happened. Now I know! It's the media! Better blame the media too when you read the scores from Friday night. I'm not a media sympathizer but be realistic here. The Board is willingly and knowingly breaking the law and how did you find out about it? The media. Who is holding PNGISD accountable for breaking these laws? The media. Who is making sure that YOUR freedom to know what is going on is not being violated? So, in essence, the media are looking out for your liberties more than you are. Just a thought here....paper and ink are cheap. The way the PNGISD handled this situation is a lose/lose situation. All I can say is after the smoke clears, the Board better get used to even more scrutiny from the media outlets. This will not be pretty. I have talked to many PNG residents and I assure you that they are not happy at all about the deliberate refusal to adhere to the law. The parents I know say, and I quote, "What example do they think they are setting? They are acting the same way that the adminstrators discipline the students for." Now THAT'S irony. I guess government classes are cancelled for the remainder of the school year. They have 10 days!!! They have broken no laws. Uhhh, yes. They HAVE broken the law. If they haven't broken the law then why go to the Attorney General to explain WHY they haven't released the list? A law has been broken. The Board knows they are in the wrong that's why they are forced to turn over the list. It's really simple...follow the rules that govern our nation or face the consequences. Which in this case will probably be a hefty fine. There was a precedent set by a Texas school regarding disclosure under the FOI, I'm not sure but I am positive it was way more than the Board is willing to pay the new AD. I hope the money used to pay the fine will not come out of the bond issue money. That will start a whole new discussion thread.
  12. I was wondering why the economy is so bad, the number of unemployed people has risen, and the governmental bailouts happened. Now I know! It's the media! Better blame the media too when you read the scores from Friday night. I'm not a media sympathizer but be realistic here. The Board is willingly and knowingly breaking the law and how did you find out about it? The media. Who is holding PNGISD accountable for breaking these laws? The media. Who is making sure that YOUR freedom to know what is going on is not being violated? So, in essence, the media are looking out for your liberties more than you are. Just a thought here....paper and ink are cheap. The way the PNGISD handled this situation is a lose/lose situation. All I can say is after the smoke clears, the Board better get used to even more scrutiny from the media outlets. This will not be pretty. I have talked to many PNG residents and I assure you that they are not happy at all about the deliberate refusal to adhere to the law. The parents I know say, and I quote, "What example do they think they are setting? They are acting the same way that the adminstrators discipline the students for." Now THAT'S irony. I guess government classes are cancelled for the remainder of the school year.
  13. There is definitely a Nederland assistant that applied. We can't blame a man who wants to advance his career with an AD title. i've never said that a nederland coach hasn't applied, i was disputing the "nederland bulldogs" username point taken! I am in total agreement. This definitely has been an interesting thread. Thank God for intelligent people and mature debate. Now, when is the first home game?
  14. There is definitely a Nederland assistant that applied. We can't blame a man who wants to advance his career with an AD title.
  15. The law was written for the expressed purpose of "keeping what is behind closed doors, remains behind closed doors' out of government. There is a loop hole called "executive session" that must be followed as per Robert's Rules Of Parliamentary Procedure. The law was written and passed as a tag-along to the "Open Meetings Act". I'm positive financial gain was a motivating factor for the original author of the bill but it includes "any and all public information that is deemed of interest by the citizens". This is definitely 'of interest'.
  16. Since the taxpayers are bailing out everyone in this economy, do I need to know Philpott's applicant list for their next General Manager or my local bank's president salary. Since the media is even asking for bailout funds, should we file an FOI to uncle larry at kfdm for his applicant list for his sports department. If the government bails out the media outlets then you certainly have that right to ask for one. If its a privately held corporation, as all the networks and media companies are, then , no, you do not have that right to ask for a FOI.......FREEDOM of information.
  17. Since the taxpayers are bailing out everyone in this economy, do I need to know Philpott's applicant list for their next General Manager or my local bank's president salary. Since the media is even asking for bailout funds, should we file an FOI to uncle larry at kfdm for his applicant list for his sports department. You're missing the point. No argument here, just discussion. I totally understand about not knowing how to run an athletic program but whether you wish to know who is in charge of the kids or not, you still have the unalienable right to know. You have at your fingertips the power to know if a teacher is arrested for whatever. Say, God forbid, shoplifting or whatever. Would you feel comfortable having that person in the classroom? As a society we hold teachers, police,doctors, and clergy to a higher standard than any other profession. Same with elected officials. We have that right to know.Of course I do know the Board will weed out those undesirable characters. We have all heard of the Six Degrees of Seperation so somebody in that community knows somebody else in a community where one of the applicants is from. There may be some unwanted baggage that is fixed to one of the applicants. Some of that baggage doesn't go on a resume or shows up in an interview i.e being a hothead or not a motivator, etc. That's where the citizen's voice should be heard. I applaud LCM for doing what they are doing....it's good on two fronts. First, if the AD doesn't work out then the Board can say that they listened to the community so don't blame us and secondly, if your input is solicited then a bigger sense of ownership is instilled to the people of the community. All I am saying is this, if you exercise that right or not is your perogative. I would like to exercise it because it is my right and I choose to do so. I don't want somebody else speaking for me when it comes to what has been endowed on me by the founders of this country. As for the comment about somebody showing up at my job and telling me how to do it,that's just comparing apples to oranges. Every high school coach is second guessed in the stands. You've heard it plenty of times. People can openly criticize because it is their right and they can do so without fear because they pay their taxes. As far as media bashing goes, everybody has to blame somebody so I guess Uncle Larry is an easy target because everybody has seen or heard him. I don't buy into the whole "media this " or "media that". I've seen plenty of stories blown WAY out of proportion but trust me, this area is tame compared to that big city 80 miles west on I 10. Finally, admin, I couldn't be more happier with our AD , too! We're neighbors.
  18. The tapayers have everything to gain. Wouldn't you like to have a say-so in who coaches your team and kids? The Board members are in their positions to LISTEN to what their CONSTITUENTS want, not vice versa. To answer another question by adminbaberuth. In your honest opinion, IF the names were released would you or wouldn't you read the paper or watch tv to see who the applicants were? And in your honest opinion, don't you think IF the names were released that particular newspaper article or television story would be highly watched? The media gains nothing except to give the people what is probably the most talked about situation out there at this particular time. To png-n-d-n fan. Well said, my friend. Well said.
  19. Rusty Brittain, the PN-G ISD board president, told The Enterprise on Tuesday there was reservation about releasing the names to the public for the fear that one of the candidates might lose their job for pursuing the position. are you people really loosing that much sleep over this job position.. just be patience, remember its a virtue I understand about the patience part BUT The PNGISD receives both state and federal funds. By receiving both, the PNGISD HAS to answer to anyone who lives in the State of Texas. This is especially true for the taxpayers of that school district. I do not live in the district nor do I have a dog in the hunt but as a taxpayer I have the RIGHT to know the list if I want to. If I were a resident of PN or Groves I would be ticked that somebody is censoring what information is coming out of my school district. This leads to yet another question , "What else are they hiding?" The Board says they are worried about repercussions that could arise from that information getting out (i.e. coaches losing their jobs). That is one of the worst excuses I have ever heard. Texas is a "right to work state". It would take a act of Congress to fire a coach who applied for the AD position. We all saw that when it came to Matt Burnett......the board couldn't fire him because he is classified as a teacher. He was simply reassigned. Also, teachers are, get this, STATE employees!!! Yes, a governmental entity! WOW! So, why all the secrecy? What's in the basement that they don't want you (the taxpayers) to know? What a slap in the face......one word comes to mind. Arrogance. The Board and all involved in the hiring process have lost sight of who they work for and who they are representing. They have to answer to the taxpayers....they are legally bound to do so! I can only guess that either, A: the board doesn't want another school district to snatch up their candidate or B: They want to "low ball" the potential candidates by not letting them get in a negotiation of a salary with another district. With all the censorship that is coming from just a few select individuals, I can understand the media's frustration. The media are supposed to be our eyes and ears and part of their job is to hold people responsible. They ask the questions that we want to know, such as, "Who all applied for the AD job?" I have talked to numerous coaches and they ALL say that they are aware of their name getting out when they are applying for another job. It's no big deal to them. They understand. It's called a "public school system" for reason. So, again, we ask ,"Who all applied?"The silence is deafening from the Reservation.
  20. Thank you sir know when it will be up? ??? :
  21. Can you put the video up from Coach English's talk on sunday night sports from last night?
  22. Isn't that what torres is supposed to do? He is the POINT guard he is supposed to create open looks for his teammates. It's great he can score, but that's why you have those shooters who can catch and shoot, it's his job to get them open looks, and occasionally take it to the hole for a lay-up or knock down the 3-pointer. That team has plenty shooters not just 2 or 3 need to score for them to be successful. That's my 2 cents for that comment.
  23. All those kids can shoot the ball.They're a great team when they share the ball and everyone touches it. They have 3 stars, but I've noticed when 3-5 of their players have between 10-20 they're much better than when some have 5 and one has 20-30. Just a thought. Good job Dogs!
  24. Who do y'all consider some of the best 3-point shooters in the area?
  25. Congrats Ned. I knew y'all were talented, I was busy watching my Tigers whoop up on the pirates. Good luck and I will be following y'all as well with my tigers.
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