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Everything posted by WOS95

  1. another expert opinion :
  2. what a great article, i liked the video too!!! 8) go cowboys!!!
  3. i thought dayton's visitor side was big enough last year. but then again wos is 3A. ;D
  4. i thought lcm was actually pretty good on both sides of the ball this past season. cant wait for that wos vs. lcm game. it should be a good one next season in little cypress. 8)
  5. cody green from dayton is a very good qb. in the game between dayton and wos, he made a lot of good plays. i think the score could have been closer, but his receivers dropped a lot of passes that night when they were wide open.
  6. the WO-S Mustangs "Chain Gang" Defense. 8)
  7. im afraid you're going to have to do better than that to get us rattled. ;D im a graduate of WOS, and i heard it when i was in high school and i've heard it ever since ive been out of high school. how we are cheaters, whiners, sore losers, and have rude fans. so if you want to name call go right ahead.
  8. i agree with both stang4life and 20fan07, he was complimenting the stangs. however he also took a shot at the same time, saying our bench was taunting the opposing fans.
  9. congrats lady mustangs on a great season.
  10. congrats to lady bobcats on a great season.
  11. Eric Anderson played varsity quarterback for wos in a few games as a freshman in 1992.
  12. that's how it goes sometimes. i wonder what the mustang free throw percentage was. at the game in the montagne center they had trouble making free throws all night. congrats to splendora.
  13. no need for name calling ;D
  14. congrats to the lady bobcats!!!
  15. thats whats special about the students at WOS, they never give up. Go Mustangs!!! going to Huntsville!!!
  16. you dont have to apologize to me. 8)
  17. i thought the game started at 7
  18. we should not worry about what problems lc-m has with their infield. i think we need to concentrate on how we can get better. we have a new coach and maybe it will take sometime to turn things around. everyone knows that lc-m is always good in baseball, and yes losing 18-0 is not good. however, i thinks its good we play tough competition before district starts. take this game and learn from it. 8)
  19. imo the top 3 coaches in this area are Curtis Barbay, Dan Hooks, and Larry Neumann.
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