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Everything posted by WOS95

  1. :shock: man i havent heard or seen anything about jake roberts in years
  2. since everyone's getting all the new things maybe all the schools should add a few luxury boxes to their stadiums ;jhg just kidding
  3. eventually flair and foley are going to meet in match. after seeing flair tonight i would pay to see that match
  4. man flair and big show earned their money tonight :shock:
  5. oh yeah flair still has it in him 8)
  6. flair just scored two points :wink:
  7. ric flair had to tell the referee to hold the ropes open for him. back in the day the ref knew to go over and hold the ropes for the nature boy. woooooooooo!!!!! 8)
  8. those boudain balls from al t's are the best!!!
  9. looking forward to see what happens between flair and big show
  10. hopefully we can take some of that money an get some turf instead of and expensive press box
  11. i know its not high school but i used to love Dome dogs from the astrodome
  12. the wos turkey legs. featured on tv a few years ago.
  13. vladimir guerro and david wright have both hit homeruns. '''fa
  14. ernie ladd was a sucessful pro wrestler too 8)
  15. Nederland, i've always been impressed how well disiplined they are. for example they dont make many mistakes and they keep the penalties to a minimum.
  16. just hanging in there, getting ready for football. your right about DCTF. i've been reading the same articles since the magazine came out
  17. are those games on friday or sat?
  18. how you been etbu? hope you're doing well. man i wish football season would hurry up and get here. i'm even excited about the srimmages.
  19. man i love how there was no guard rails. :shock:
  20. where's david weathers when you need him :shock:
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