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Everything posted by warparty

  1. Hey Beaumont Enterprise, where is our list? ;) ;)
  2. I think it was 10 to 8 or 9 with a runner on third and first with two outs.  Colby was running out of gas and Warren was really starting to hit him.
  3. Way to hang in there and not give up Warriors.  Great game.  Hope it was nothing serious with C. Price.
  4. We need to get him coming soon.  Build some relations before school ends. 
  5. Warren up 8 to 3 going in to bottom of sixth.
  6. Neighbors north of Kountze will be pulling for Kountze.  Need to even the district standings!
  7. Congrats to Buna on their win.  Like I said earlier, the team with the least amount of errors would win.  Take away the second inning with three errors , seven runs, and we had a tight game.  Keep your heads up Warren.  Season is now just beginning.
  8. Gotta go with my Warriors in a close one.  3 to 2.  To do that, we must be the team with the least amount of errors and hits at the right time. 
  9. Big congrats to all the boys.  Good to see my Warriors being represented so well.  Good season for the Warriors with alot to build on.  Been a while since we had an Offensive MVP. Congrats Bryce!!
  10. Good game Warriors.  Good job on staying focused and playing error free.  I believe D. WATTS had 11k's for Warren. D'ville pitcher was bringing it.  Good game for both teams.
  11. [quote name="utfan06" post="1149020" timestamp="1324399645"] Yea EC didn't look to good against warren... Buna really isn't that bad but kountze didn't play great.. [/quote] So if teams do bad against Warren then they aren't that good?  Why couldn't it be that Warren isn't that bad?
  12. Congrats Bryce from your fans in Warren.  Way to be a leader and to show the younger boys how to flat out get it.
  13. Warren Junior Football Association will begin football sign up's May 7th from 10am to 12pm and May 14th from 10am to 12pm.  Sign up's will be in Jr. High parking lot.  $ 80 dollars per player.
  14. Way to go guys.  Stay humble and focused.  Big win that shows how much ya'll want this.
  15. I agree.  He played a great game.  It was also nice to watch someone from the smaller classifications playing on a big stage like the Sugar Bowl.
  16. Warren Jr. Football will be hosting a football camp @ Warrior Stadium on July 8th and 9th.  July 8th will be from 5 to 8pm & July 9th will be from 8:30 to 2 pm.  Lead Instructors for camp are: Offense-  Mark Sartain (ETBU Head Coach) and Defense - Lark Hebert (McNeese State Defensive Coor).  Cost of camp is $30 if you pre-register before July 2nd and $40 after July 2nd. For any flyers, registration form, or questions please contact Rocky Burks at [email protected].
  17. WJFA will be having Football sign-up's Saturday, May 1st & May 8th, from 10am to 12pm, in front of HS Gym.  Cost is still $80 for Football.  Physicals are also set for May 15th, 1pm to 4pm, at HS Gym.  Cost of physicals are $10.  Contact Will Young, Rocky Burks, Greg Choate, Marty Ramer, or Dale Tinsley with any questions.
  18. So who really won?  Was it Warren 6 to 5 or EC 15 to 11.
  19. Speaking as a Warren Alum and big supporter for all Athletic programs at Warren, I would like to welcome Coach Barbay.  Hopefully his youth will bring energy and excitement to all programs.  A positive, can do attitude, can be infectious and I hope it spreads to all of our youth.  All it takes is for one person to change the culture for these kids.  A winning attitude and tradition has to start somewhere and I believe now is as good as ever.  I hope all the kids that did not play last year for whatever reasons, re-visit the idea and give this new a coach a chance and comes out for sports.  Once the community meets Coach Barbay, they will be excited as I am.
  20. Warren's day is coming.  This season they will contend in some games but will learn alot on the fly.  Next few years for Warren baseball look bright.
  21. very fast and executed well
  22. Great job Buna. Everything seemed to flow well and parking was not bad either. I like the Jamboree also because like others said, it is usually our first time to go up against a full O and D before regular season.
  23. In Juniors, EC Green has a three headed monster for a backfield that will be pretty tough to contain.
  24. whsalum, you are right. Stephen played like he was the biggest guy out there. I saw him make some exceptional plays against some players twice his size. He never quit and was always trying to get the crowd in to it. C Word is another player to mention. Good job at tightend with some nice catches. I hear the game against Kountze is back on at Kountze Stadium. Anyone else hear that?
  25. Hopefully with the Junior Football Assoc. in its' second season, the numbers will continue to improve in the years to come. We are trying to teach the kids that the ultimate for them is to step out on Friday night and represent the orange and black. This football season has been rough for the varsity but you also have to look at the number of Freshmen & Sophmore's that had to play on the line. These kids would be lucky to weigh 160lbs. Colt did a good job with the protection he had. James & Brazos ran hard everynight. Blake, for a 160lb??? linebacker, stood his ground. Brandon, you know I am proud of you. You brought it even when every team was keying on you. There are several others to mention but these Seniors will surely be missed. Winning traditions are around the corner for Warren. Keep your heads held high.
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