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team first

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Everything posted by team first

  1. That's what that boring small ball gets u, next time maybe bunt him to 3rd also
  2. What time does Texas pre-bunting start? Lmao
  3. Lsu has already beaten the beat team Texas has to offer. Rice Go tigers
  4. look it's really pretty simple..Ozen was set up to win...So was Westbrook, back then...Now it is set up to lose...Why? 5a, one coach in program, with 80 kids, No facilities, competeing with the school across town for players, which is a magnet and now has some momentum in basketball. One day a kid will be there, the next he's headed to yep you got it..ozen meanwhile sits and waits , the numbers are eyeballed to stay in the 4a range, has no boudaries, has some recent success, and the other sports there are, i guess you could say " still learning"...Really not a bad idea by BISD, when this all was arranged for Ozen, but if you were at Central or Westbrook, well I guess the tide kinda turned, and was flowing toward the pear orchard!!!
  5. I stand corrected, I knew it was close though. And ozen just hired, which took way to, so vidor should be about ready to annouce at any time then according to ur time table
  6. Vidor has been open as long, if not longer. I hear alot of names, r now pulling out, due to how long it is taken.
  7. i believe they do...And I believe the last time they played some team out of sour lake....There was a game to be played, that ended up being a BLOWOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OUCH. The hawks just didnt make it off the ground that day at the ole Mcdonald Gym...Some kid named Donahoe looked pretty good though... Where is that D.1 player now?
  8. Has it been made official yet????
  9. Yep Dickie that was the question...Who will it be...but dont say Ozen..you know better!!! Them days are done...the 36-0 teams the regional finalists, year in and out ...The horses are not like they used to be, still good but, the magnet isnt drawing em in like it used to....that music magnet and fine arts magnet has slowly lost its edge..maybe the players are over at the medical magnet??? Now if you say its my boys over at Memorial, now youve figured it out...only lost two from last year...who else should be decent???
  10. Will agree with Lazeek on this one...Seen an awful lot of basketball teams with better " ATHLETES" get abused by the fundamental teams in the area...Dribble , pass, and shoot, box out and play help defense....make the extra pass and call a timeout when a five second call if fixin to happen ...Where are those kids.. you know the ones that run on and off the court, who stand up while on the bench and cheer for their teamates, the ones who smile, say yes sir and no sir...the ones who stay until the coach turns the lights off...and the ones who put in so much time that losing...well they might just kick a ball to the top of the gym if it happens....But, it just dont happen very often....WHERE ARE THEY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  11. Vidor d will be good, but it depends on if they can replace their lock down corners
  12. what about tonights game only lazeek
  13. Dickie and others, what do y'all think about this game in Boston tonight? Will Boston be to tired, or do they take game one? The odd makers only have Boston - 1 1/2
  14. Serious question...What keeps Bernard and Donahoe from going D-1 or D-2....These kids are pretty good!
  15. Surely the 3 kids from H.J. can find a place to play in the large state of Texas cant they...These guys are gamble finalist and 3pt could have won ers and.........Surely!
  16. Hope this situation doesnt end up like the one down in p.a. Two very talented young men, who have tremendous upside...Hope the distractions( whatever that means ) dont get em...A little discipline goes a longgggg ways....A 4 year degree, especially when paid for, can be very beneficial in todays society, even if the career ends after college life is over!!! better to get it together late, than never...Good Luck!
  17. Hey buddy, you got this thread heated up when you questioned the invitations and started calling out kids wannabees and neverwilbees...We all know you think if the kid from H.J. was there he most likely would have won it..Doubt there were any personal invites sent out...It was on this board and some kids showed. It is what it is...We also know that the kid from H.J. and Silsbee were pretty good and could compete in 4a, and ole Livingston wasnt too bad themselves..Played in the regional semis and got beat by the state champs..Torres, well I guess it was a career night for him, as a matter of fact I dont recall anybody else getting 43..Especially against THE HAWKS!!! Kinda stings a little.....
  18. Yes ole Torres was in the contest, just got confirmation, that wannabee or neverwilbe kid...tough to be in 4a and not win a state championship, but one night at the hawks nest lit sombody up!!!!! Bottom line is you are right every two years are so, since you are counting A. Hall, some 3a kids can play in 4a....But overall, 3a needs to stay in 3a conversations, players and teams..that way posters like yorself can feel good...Bottom line, Dickie V. hits the nail on the head sometimes!!!
  19. I hope they all get together and have great careers at the next level...I'm sure they will work hard and the success they had in high school will carry over...but...Ole whoever and neverwilbe , whatever you named them, ( think his last name was Torres) did a little educating to the 3a player of the year, one lonely night in the land of the hawks. You dont just go out talking about how kids arent very good when he career nights it against the home team now do ya!!! That kid might not have even been one of the best 10 players in his own district, much less the state! Was Dickie V right about the gap in 3a and 4a players?
  20. Makes since Bobcat...He's not from H.J. but did pretty good I think against them..Not the chosen one but the night over in sour lake...he was a littttle bit better, but my knowledge of the game is not the best. It was just assumed that if one kid had a big night and the other kid did not look that good, it would only add up that.....Well just goes to show you, anybody can score 40..happens all the time!!!
  21. First of all I was not at the competition so I dont know any names...Second , if a kid drops over 40 on a team, hard to say he might now be as good as another player. His team won the other kids team lost. A 3 pt comp doesnt mean a player is actually better than another. It does mean that he may be a better shooter in this particular setting. Its okay to lose.....Just dont come on here and say that if Johnny Jack Up would have been there..yada yada yada..HE WASNT THERE!!! Nobody in H.S. feels good about a wide open dunk...They feel great about it....I'm sure you can really get off the floor.And by the way....Is H.J. 3a...Dickie V. wanted to know!!!!
  22. Kinda hard to do during a dead period...Unless something is going on we dont know about..Who will go play at the next level on that Gamble list, and if they go somewhere, how long do you give em!!!
  23. Just a guess..Since the Walters kid did not participate, I guess he did'nt win it!!! Never heard of him... Jon Jackson can really shoot it too, but wasnt there and did not win it!!! The winners of the events actually participated...The Gamble finalist tried to get there , but could not find the school!!!
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