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team first

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Everything posted by team first

  1. yes they lost to both
  2. Hey Dickie are you and Calvin the only brothers? Do yall have any more family members that coach besides yall two and your dad? Dont ask me why i was wondering, just making conversation.
  3. that sounds like billy tubbs has the problem then if he cant handle which way Rock does his job. To me it is Rocks team so billy just needs to do his job and be the ad. Not try and run the basketball team. Heck if i am Boutte i would think hard about going to lamar if that is the way tubbs is going to act.
  4. but in my opinion hard to do for Lamar
  5. i believe one thing that says they are happy with him is that lamar just gave him a raise to make him the highest paid coach in the slc
  6. billy may offer him the asst. job again when Rock leaves, but they will never just offer him the head job straight from ozen. I know he will never be there until Rock is ready to leave. And Rock will not be leaving any time soon, unless he chooses to go to greener pastures. And that comes from an reliable source also. Not saying that Boutte does not deserve it
  7. ;D ;D ;D ;D thats funny
  8. i quess i never heard the whole story. how long did your brother have to wait? It is sort of funny now that it has been over with for so long. Do you get on your brother for it? ;D
  9. and how much trouble did newell get in for that?
  10. dickie was it a accident, or was it on purpose. Not that it would make any difference, just curious
  11. i agree with westend, that is the business of the beast. I feel for the guy, but he broke his contract, so he understands contracts can be broken
  12. i dont think i have ever replied to u buddy
  13. Take that Soulja!!! Short i dont think i have ever responded to you buddy. Give me one slooth footed, clumbsy post man about 6'10" to stand with your three six foot tens and four good hustling guards ranging from 6' to 6'4" and I will beat you and beat you good! I don't need any guards with killer speed and quickness. I need SMART mediocre guards. Nice crisp passing to break the press. After that, give it to my fundementally sound Bigs. Long day for your little guys, Short. Dead topic.... You and teamfirst can run a topic into the ground... I tell you what!! The team with the little guards backcourt won the NCAA national championship...
  14. sagging man is a slang for help defense. It is not a slang for not playing solid defense. You are sagging off your man to help on the ball. Since we all know that it is the ball we are trying to stop from going in the basket I know what a sagging man stands for, I was being sarcastic to BLUEDOVE...By the way, I never taught a "sagging" man defense, I call it HELP defense...sagging just sounds like a LAZY term, doesn't it? 8) I agree, it should never be called sagging.
  15. i like the college game more, but i agree with Dickie V 40 games in 40 nights....Gotta Love It
  16. sagging man is a slang for help defense. It is not a slang for not playing solid defense. You are sagging off your man to help on the ball. Since we all know that it is the ball we are trying to stop from going in the basket
  17. cmon aces, you know boutte will have them in the final four within 2-3 years. With him out recruiting central, i mean sam houstan we cant lose. GO LU
  18. u will not be at lamar pa. there is no need for any water boys
  19. because west brooke is 5a, and that is what the rules state for magnet schools. Of course ozen and the powers to be would not stand to see ozen not win easy.
  20. Dickie V, what does that have to do with students transferring from one place to another??? Just don't get it ! Gotta let it go.....
  21. yea, he learned his lesson alright, always have a buddy around to take the rap
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