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team first

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Everything posted by team first

  1. u are wrong again. There where no ot games. Now this is the dumb statment. that Boutte is up on Englosh 637-3. That is just plan dumb. Boutte gets all his wins and English just gets 3. I also like this one. Vidor kids where older, Well Ozens kids where taller. Wow Once again Boutte does a great job Once again Eglish out coached him that year.
  2. no u are wrong again. U said coaching had nothing to do with it rt when Boutte won. I never said that. I just said English outcoached yall those 3 times. U were wrong the whole topic and u are wrong again. And i will say it again Engish outcoached Boutte those 3 times.
  3. I never said coaching has nothing to due with it when Boutte wins. I have said this before and will say it again. Boutte does a great job. The job he did last year, to make the finals was great coaching.
  4. all 3 loses for vidor that year where becuase the other teams matched up well verus vidor
  5. that was a little silly
  6. no u are still wrong. vidor did not lose to silsbee and they did not tie with central for 2nd
  7. dickie u are way off. Dayton was not even in the district. And vidor did not lose to lcm that year. The district that year was wos sislbee png ned central ozen vidor lumberton lcm
  8. And on the outcoaching. Of course English would not say that, thats why he is a great coach. When u win it is the kids, and when u lose it is the coaches fault. Thats what most good coaches do and say.
  9. they did not lose in the first round. And yes it is very funny that u say it was a down year. I am sure other teams would love the talent off of ozens down years. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  10. did not just beat them once, outplayed and outcoached them 3 times. when you have the talent ozen has, u should never and i mean never lose to this district. If i am not mistaken, espn still talks about upsets all the time. Ex. valpo beating arizona
  11. dickie dont act crazy. Ur rt vidor upsetting ozen would be very hard, but crazier things have happenend. Sort of like when English outcoached Yall 3 times that year. Oh wait it was a down year far yall ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D cant stop laughing ;D ;D ;D ;D Ozen downs year is better than anyone else is the district's best year. wait wait ;D ;D ;D ;D still cant stop laughing that u blame it on a down year.
  12. remember dickie just wants one? So which one do u blame. Yes its all their fualts, but only one can have the blame on here.
  13. Dickie v, thats why i predict two teams tied at 6 loses, or maybe all four tied at 7. Now wouldnt that be fun
  14. i would blame school administrators. When it is all said and done, they are the top dog. The are responsible for all the others.
  15. remaining sched. Dayton verus ned @ png @ lumberton Verus ozen vidor verus ozen, @ lcm @ ned, Verus lumberton lcm @ lumberton Verus vidor Verus central, @ png ned @ dayton verus lumberton, verus vidor @ central
  16. i quess this maybe an easy way out, but i think we will have to have a playin game. Two teams will tie with 6 loses, or still possible all four with 7. Vidor and dayton still have Ozen, and lcm and ned still have central. While dayton and ned play friday. It should be fun to watch.
  17. dayton, Lcm, nederland and vidor all still have a chance for the playoffs. I am looking for 2 teams to tie for 3rd. Would'nt it be fun if there was a four way tie between these teams. They would have to have a 4 team tourney to see who gets in. ;D
  18. no just a fan. Who do u think might take the job when Bryson leaves Dickie V?
  19. not saying u are wrong. I am just saying he is the one in charge so it is his way or the highway. Have a feeling thats why the asst. left. Rt or wrong he is the one in charge. I hope the kids can keep having fun and winning, becuase it is great for the players from this area.
  20. i am sure he did not quit on his team. I would think he was trying to prove a point, that the players way was not working. So he just let them play. I have seen coaches before do this to make a point. Hopefully they understand now, that it is to be done the way a coach wants it. Thats why he is the coach. But saying all that, i do wish they would just play more.
  21. looked to me like vidor did well agaist the press, that why central got out of it after the first. Most coaches dont call time out there like bmt soulja said, due to the fact they want the defense scrambling. It was not the officials fualt, central just made the plays at the end to get it done. In my opion, both coaches coached a hell of a game.
  22. that is a great question dickie v. I would have to go with a big though, perkins or bosh. I would choose Bosh over perk due to the fact that bosh can go in or outside. I really dont think you could go wrong with any of those guys as your 1st pick though. They where all great players. I quess it would depend on what type of game you would play. With the quards, u would be running and with perk, u would want to slow it down and get him the touches. Thats why i choose Bosh i think he would give u the chance to do both.
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