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  1. If I remember correctly the majority of the community wanted David Williams to leave. Then the community gets a guy they wanted or who they thought they wanted in Moody. Now the community was screaming for Moody's head and he is gone. Whoever is hired will be judged and ridiculed by the community, for not living up to expectations. Somebody's baby will not be playing enough and it will be the coaches fault. Somebody's baby will be a turd and it will be the coaches fault. The new coach will dismiss someone from the team and it will be the coaches fault. Unless the community and school agree to hire a coach who will get great coaches to come to LCM and to establish discipline and accountabliity LCM will not be successful. The numbers and wins will come when things are being done right at the High school and Jr. High Level.
  2. LB the easiest road and undisciplined was not directed toward MMS kids, just kids in general. I still want to see what teams were played during these seasons. I have heard rumors and would like them cleared up. So to clear the air can someone put the year, the teams they played and the score? Is this an unfair question?
  3. Since this guy will be going against some of the best coaches possible in the state on a week to week basis, can someone please post the opponents and scores of all these undefeated teams he has coached. I want to see some of the great coaching minds he has coached against and get a feel for where he stacks up against the Newmans, Craduers, Stowers, etc. If every jr. high coach tht went undefeated deserved to be a head coach the world would have problems. Maybe LCM should petition for the pop warner coaches to be head coach. They are always very successful and I bet they can scheme it up with the best of guys. IF Burke is hired what kind offense and defense would he run, the same one as Moody? Who would be his OC and DC? Would he promote other Jr High coaches to run the program wiht him? Also, kids do not always know best. Just think about your kids, they usually look and want the easiest road and easiest way out. Most kids do not want the hard nose, stubborn coach who is going to make them toe the line. Coach B maybe a great guy and coach, but LCM need a coach who will hold all kids accountable, run a disciplined program, and will not bow to parental pressure. They also need a coach who will hire great assistants because that is where the program will be won, they must hire great assistants and let them coach.
  4. This is a misconception about Alvarez, he did not apply before. He was contacted by LCM officials and he was not interested. There was quite a stir in Kirbyville when everyone thought he applied. It came out in the papers that he never pursued the job and that he did not want to be considered. I highly doubt he will pursue it.
  5. All head coaches are in 3 athletice periods. They teach 4 total classes out of 8, they have varisty athletics everyday. They get a conference period and are in freshman athletics every other day. Not too bad of a schedule. Once in a blue moon they may teach 5 classes and not be in the freshman athletic period, but not now. Get your facts straight.
  6. Alot of people owe David Williams an apology. I would love to see the school come together and name the field or field house after him to show the thanks he did for the school and community. It is a shame that when he left he was given no party, ceremony or anything for the years of service he gave to the kids, school and community.
  7. your right it has all to do with coaching. Coaches putting their livelyhood on the line,depending on 16 and 17 year olds, while armchair qbs get to analyze the game from the stands. PeeWee coaches get to brag about winning 50-0 and going undefeated not mentioning the fact that most kids on competing teams don't get to play cause they weigh to much or just cant afford to play. I say all coaches get together and go to the plants and tell all these guys how to do their jobs, then go to setxrefining.com and blast the workers cause gas production is outta control.
  8. Comeaux!!!! Yea, how many district games did he win??? ZERO. No playoffs in 10 years and you get 2 trips and a coach coaches them down. You are surely showing your ignorence when you make these statements. You where probably a former staffer who is feeling a bit down because you where passed over as the AD previously and had to go coach 6 man ball or junior high b team volleyball.
  9. dang griffin, did somebody eat your cheerios!!!!!
  10. at least with a new coach lcm would have a new slogan and bojo would be gone!!!! Although flylikeaneagle would be sad.
  11. It would be great if these teams went six man. I'm not sure how their coaches would like, but I for one would love it.
  12. I've coached six man before and it is exciting, These guys are looking good, but not as exciting as Leverittes Chapel
  13. I hear LCM is a great place to be, I hope they get things going over there. I've met Moody before and I was real impressed, he will have things turned around before long. If not I bet he'd be a great 6 man coach.
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