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Everything posted by chief1987

  1. 17 points by chumperton against your first team. 14 against your second team. You better have extra jerseys for the cheerleaders.
  2. Get out your big chief tablet and your x-large purple crayon and spell the word ZERO.
  3. We all have dreams. You go girl.
  4. Zero. Zilch. Naa-daa. You must have tickets to sit on the dog side.
  5. You can like it. Won't happen.
  6. He's already munching on the Uncle Larry treats.
  7. I can already hear your rebuttal. "We had our second team in the 4th quarter. " We did also and ZERO.
  8. Here comes another 15 yard penalty on ya.
  9. It's wide open for the taking. Chumperton put 31 on ya. 70's a piece of cake. They scored zero against PNG.
  10. Maybe a 70 spot put on the ankle biters across the tracks will change all that.
  11. I asked him to return jags underoos, his google maps must have malfunctioned.
  12. And that's with LN using his bat phone or Apple pad or big chief tablet.
  13. Sorry I don't live on here. That was a one time glass slipper fitting. Nothing but concrete blocks walking the plank for years to come.
  14. Vidor don't even have a good pulling mule coming up. No need to worry there.
  15. I advise you you to start researching now. There's stallions in the stable. They'll be there before you know it.
  16. They probably will have him disguised as a referee or line judge. We will have to keep a flag count like the Titan fans do.
  17. No, you'd still have a yellow hanky problem that you'd be needing some of those tissues for.
  18. The chumps gonna want a flag on that one. I'll draw up a trick play.
  19. Some of these tear jerking chumps don't even deserve tissue. Maybe some Emory cloth instead.
  20. It took a while but here ya go. Excuses. Don't forget the trick plays chumpie-brewster. Someone lead him to the tissue line.
  21. This game will be over by halftime also. The pirate cheerleaders will be winning.
  22. It wasn't meant for them. But it will draw out more replies than yours. Only a few of my chumperton coworkers cry me a river, unlike the rest of them. It's full tilt excuses every Monday.
  23. Yea, I purposely left off the one about trick plays that drew all sorts of big 'ol puppy tears. It may be cheaper to get a deal with wal-mart on using their brand of tissue.
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