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Everything posted by chief1987

  1. Well since MBG is taking Texas City, I’m gonna take PNG in a nail biter. Go Indians.
  2. #8 is all they got.
  3. Let’s hope we run some outside instead of right at there strength up the middle.
  4. No. D-line coach I believe.
  5. I knew I could get tiny pooch to comment.
  6. But Png beat BH. Nederland lost to BH. But, whatever makes you warm and fuzzy.
  7. Did big Ned play good defense last night.
  8. Well that was an arse whipping. Good thing we beat the Cove.
  9. Suburbs and thongs are to offensive I guess. Go injuns.
  10. Not what I was referencing. I was being sarcastic about the softness of the feelings.
  11. It’s getting sensitive around here for some reason.
  12. We should meet for some beers and smack talk dogs and ants.
  13. It’s just for fun. Nothing personal here.
  14. It’s much funner talking to cougars than mini pooches.
  15. I’ve seen a cougar loss to. Got the same reaction. No panties here ma’am, I wear drawz.
  16. Even mbg says anything is possible. Watch out, could be double lightning strikes on the field. A little added speed.
  17. I bet a stat could get you a ticket.
  18. If mbg comes to the Rez. It’s over for the cougaretttes.
  19. Probably the typing team.
  20. Sure enough. Were you the manager for the girls sewing team.
  21. Speaking of thongs. Yours is pinching your marbles, you not thinking straight.
  22. Regardless of stats, they’re gonna line up and play. The presumed outcome isn’t written in stone. We’ll see how the ball bounces Friday night. Could be an upset. Also could not be. No blinders on here.
  23. Guess we should just give the W to Crosby. They obviously should have scheduled the Texans this week.
  24. Here’s hoping neither team has any injuries this week in a hard fought game. There’s playoff games to win for this district.
  25. Bring me the red ones next time. Pink is your color.
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