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Everything posted by chief1987

  1. Duh, YOU. Yes Png lost, your observant.
  2. Let your softness shine through.
  3. I can get you a softy ticket if you want.
  4. You obviously haven’t been paying to close attention to the current group of puppies. Step away from the keyboard every once in a while.
  5. I said it already.
  6. You trying to set me up so you can report me to the principals office to.
  7. Time to do away with the softness around here.
  8. No truer words spoken here.
  9. Until someone gets their softy panties in a knot. I won’t mention any names. Even some big dogs are just lickers or lap dogs. 😜
  10. Big Ned is no longer the big dog. I believe they have a few more softy spots than Png. That’s my observation of the groups that are on the field now from watching them the past few years. The wr is legit though. Not enough.
  11. Moderator-exuberated. Whatever fits the narrative.
  12. It sounds good.
  13. Because of the softness exuberated on here I predict purple by 17.
  14. Oh boy. And a bulldog also.
  15. Stay on topic he says. Ok. I say purple wins. How’s that. Better for you princess.
  16. Who are you the topic czar.
  17. Brotherly love I see. I ain’t no rah rah though. Just call it like I see it.
  18. Rah rah
  19. I only have one account.
  20. And I’m very thankful we got a new defensive coach this year. The kids like him. Seems like a nice dude and he’s excited to be here. I also believe the head ball coach will put us in position to win those said four games. Hopefully with 1 or 2 extra for lagniappe would be awesome.
  21. Well I’m not gonna try and fix a team. Not hiding behind a keyboard either. I’m not gonna name names either. No need for stats when only giving an opinion. As for SC finalist go, if we luck out and beat that team great. I’d love to see it. There’s 4 beatable teams we need to worry about. Next Friday is one of them. Win 4 and in the playoffs. Win 5 is just icing on the cake. And just for your information. My son is an Indian. I assure you I have greater knowledge than you on the subject.
  22. I ain’t naming no names. Just giving my opinion. I also care about the kids myself. I know this group of Indians very well, trust me on that. Bottom line is Friday nights ain’t a time to give out participation ribbons. Little Johnny can always go play tennis or golf or be in the band. Again, just my opinion.
  23. Bottom line is if we don’t make a few changes personnel wise we in trouble. Along with getting a couple of injured players back. Backups not cutting the mustard.
  24. Do you have a clue. You just a rah rah.
  25. Weaknesses exposed both sides of the ball. Secondary needs help. Depending on the personnel on the field defense did ok. But they didn’t leave that grouping out there. Kept going back to a few starters who shouldn’t be out there v
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