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Everything posted by J.R.

  1. Man...it most be bad who has scored already?
  2. I know two of the best freshman this year in the area are Amir Jalali from pn-g and Jordan Darnall from wo-s. They are both going to be impact players and Darnall is probably going to be playing varsity and making an impact in his district. Jalali will be very solid no matter what level he plays on.
  3. u guys are historical this post was about wos freshman na now yall are arguing about childish stuff.....i dont even know why bc fans would want to argue the record should be enough for them to shut up
  6. why would wos want to combine teams when their freshman squad beats other teams freshman and j-v......and they apparenly did not have trouble beaten bc's combine team because guess what.....all them kids out there were freshman
  7. ARE ON A RUN ARENT THEY? I DONT THINK ITS A RUN I THINK IT IS JUST PURE TALENT THEY GOT OVER THERE AT WESTORANGE-STARK ....I WILL BE WILLING TO MAKE A WAGER THAT THAT CLASS is going to bring westorange stark a state championship maybe even two....if they keep that program going right now the way they are giving these kids experience and mental toughness on jv then they are might even bring them three ......they have a very very very nice QB #8 i think he is kin to the garrets on varsity ......well that kid has a arm that i never seen a freshman quaterback have.....great accuracy AND THROWING POWER....BUT THATS NOT ALL HE HAS SOME GREAT RECIEVERS TO THROW TO ...but his number one target is that 16 mark roberts he scores 4 touchdowns or more every game.....there defense is also very good and discpline .....with some pretty nice size boyz starting with #38 and #14 but the ones that are not that big ....are the ones that stick there noes in the hole the most.....they also have some nice running backs starting with darrius robinson ...a very elite young running back he's a very threat in the open feild great speed with a combination of power ....and there is number #4(dont know his name yet)but he has the moves to make everything look like they are running in slow motion ....they play bridge city this week to finish off there district and a great season they had .....they have some good players coming up in the future and westorange stark once again looks good
  8. hey daliy if yooh did not know ...well iam a die hard fan for westorange stark mustangs and simply said that we needed to adjust a couple things ...and did not down my mustangs and never will maybe yooh need to go back to college and learn how to read ....
  9. yeah no disrespect to bc but they should know that we are goin to use them to pracice some plays and get ready for playoffs...i mean they should be happy we are reppin class 21-3a
  10. i feel that we need to work some play for when we play giddings
  11. wos87 do u have the defensive stats for wo-s class 1980
  12. whats that supposed to mean?
  13. no dont think wos will let them have three points iam sorry but thats disrespecting they ownselves by leting bc score on them but i think the score is goin to be 72-0 i mean thats if they let up on them in the third quater
  15. well then if we only beat bridge city by 14 then we can forget about state .....i mean no disrespect to bridge city everyone knows they really never have a bad team but this game they should just try to get everyone in as much as they can.....
  16. yea this is just goin to be a scrimmage
  17. if we dont score over 50 then we did not do good
  18. what sense do you make?
  19. how much will wos score?
  20. yea i agree the broncos are very good...they have to be good to beat the bulldogs like that....i say 3rd round ...but who knows maybe state as for my mustangs i say....we can go to state but first we have to adjust a couple things like playcalling
  21. how deep is your team going in the playoffs?
  22. you know iam not making excuses for my boyz thatz ok it happens sometimes but get this ......WE STILL ONE .....lol....thatz all that matter at the end of the day . but right after the game i wished the bears best of luck through their season and looks to me that did not help them at all....well they might as well try to get some stats for salter and guy so they can get some nice scholarships.....and i feel so sorry for them next year because they are goin to be filled with junior boyz
  23. hey bhawk i know how it is at lcm i played for them. ....first hand so u can not get on here and tell me i dont know what iam talking about....this season is not a suprise to me or any other season....they do no conditioning....they are not discpline at all....look iam not bashing none of the players they have tremendous talent over .....i take back what i said earlier about their atheletic program is a joke ...i mean baseball and volleyball they are pretty good.....and you say that they played good against wos this year....if you was at the game you would see why they did not win big ....dude its called FEILD CONDITIONS that feild was not cut for days and they watered that feild down so wos would not be able to switch gears on them or cut juke or anything else .......i should no i was there before pregame....so before you get on here and try to tell me something know what ur talking about
  24. jake94 wat postes have you been reading i playEd for wos and iam a die hard fan now ....so how you goin to tell me that my team never made the playoffs?
  25. iam starting to get a little diffrent opinon on orangefeild ......looks to me they cant beat us so they tryin to go get some one else to....hmmmmmmm now tell me how pathetic that is
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