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Everything posted by Makemineaconvertible

  1. Your wrong 98% of Kirbyville will tell you the same thing unless they have a last name of Morgan. They worshipped Craig like he was god. Never in my life have I seen so much butt kissing.
  2. CPS may have cleared them but the kids parents who’s a$$ they beat didn’t clear them. I mean whipping a kid 22/42 days because his squat technique is wrong. All I’m going to say that if that would have happened to the right kid with a care free dad that don’t give a crap CPS would have not been needed.
  3. Becomes o line and associate head coach at west brook
  4. Kirbyville wins game 2 8-1. Kirbyville hit 3 home runs last night
  5. I’ll give him 2-3 years and he will leave for bigger and better. I don’t know if Nick Sabin could turn that program around.
  6. This may be 3rd behind Fred vs Spurger in basketball. When those bands get going inside that gym it’s Madness
  7. Nothing will ever beat the rivalry of Tyler County Warren vs Woodville.
  8. And he will tell he’s the only coach ever undefeated in tee ball in Kirbyville
  9. Kirbyville 6 Kountze 0
  10. And it’s a shame your clueless. The fact of the matter is this makes 2 hires by you and the board that were total bust. Do I need to tell everyone your name. Let it go his reign as a dictator is over. I mean this guy won several state championships with PG in football but when they hired the right AD it took about 1/2 a summer to realize he had to go
  11. Give him a chance gee wiz or go rant elsewhere Kirbyville needs more Debbie downers like Beaumont needs more corrupt school boards
  12. It’s obvious your clueless on the type of coach Jones is or was. That guy broke them down and never built them back up. I’m not telling or do I see the new AD babying them or holding their hand
  13. One thing that’s going to help is when he assures them things will be very different than what they are used too. I m going to say 50-70 show up for 2 a days if not more. A simple nice gesture to a kid goes a long ways not your doing that wrong get to the back of the line. I would expect lots of encouragement from this staff something it has lacked for 3 years. You can bet coach will use all his playmakers not just the ones with the same last name.
  14. It’s going to be difficult for anyone to come in right away and win. I mean you got possibly 3 letterman returning with one starter. The majority of this team will be made up from a JV team last year.
  15. I was told he pulled his name out. Sometimes the best pick is not always the sexiest pick
  16. Welcome Trey Allen and family to wildcatnation
  17. Welcome to Kirbyville could be in a rebuilding phase
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