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Everything posted by hooah

  1. Good job hawks. see ya'll saturday night!
  2. Ryan Weldon will bury Cole Atkinson's serve in a hole of pure shame.
  3. When is the tourney?
  4. Look ladies instead of insulting the establishment of Hardin-Jefferson and our faculty why not just focus on the game at hand. I am a HJ student and I do not believe that all of this rediculous bantering is neccessary. So stifle, rest, simmer down, ect... I take HJ by 1.
  5. Scott Archer and Jarrod Dickerson will have a run at boys doubles. The components of this HJ duo were semi successful in mixed doubles last season although falling in district. The two are coming together as a unit and had a great rally last week at the lamar tournament. Don't count them out!
  6. It is insane how good tiger is. The PGA would be a better competitive level if Jack had been born 40 years later or if the Payne Stewart tragedy hadn't happened.
  7. The hecklers will be there, HJ by 10+ refs and all, do it hawks!
  8. it was great till some of the hawk hecklers got jumped in the parking lot. Great sportsmanship guys.
  9. I don't think their boy devin handled the Heckler's too well....
  10. Lets not forget that not only is Sutherland an amazing basketball coach, but he is a great tennis coach and ard math teacher.
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