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Everything posted by oldschool11

  1. I hope Warren does well tonight - keep playing better talent and you will do well during district. I think you guys are on the right track - play all the big schools you can and you will get better.
  2. Well I will say again you do not have a clue about baseball but it is hard to debate a subject with someone that does not have a clue. If you have never seen good baseball I guess you cannot tell the difference between a chunker and a pitcher. Why don't you go to Roundrock this year and see what is actually out there - you do not have a clue. We all know that they are lacking pitching - read the first comment I made - you are not making a statement that has not already been made. I finish talking to you - your an idiot.
  3. First off - I am not your little brother Second Levi West has speed but has to work on catching at times and needs to get on base - that is why he is batting first. Third , Kenney Granger was as far from a ace as you can get - he chunked but could not pitch his way out of a paper bag ! Fourth Babino kid that catches has a good arm but can not count on him to hit all the time or a third of the time ,for that I am sorry because we need him. Fifth - Brodie Parker is a good kid but cannot hit - look at the facts . If they get him hitting he will prove valuable. As far as you knowing BASEBALL ... Anyone that knows anything about baseball would not make a comment about Kenny Granger being a ACE - You proved right there that you need to learn about Baseball. Thank God he has decided not to play and I mean play because that is all he does is play. Warren does have some young kids that need to continue playing the game whatever the out come so they will continue to improve. And one thing that came out of your mouth that is true - these coaches will make a difference and that will be this year!
  4. You are very blind or one of these three kids dad to say that these three are there bread and butter . Or could it be that you just know nothing about baseball ????? Warren has nothing great in the wings on the basketball court - these kids will advance on hard work and their coaching abilities. I suggest you go watch some baseball and try to learn the game - because you could not see talent if it was in front of you.
  5. I saw the game - did not think Warren did too bad . Warren needs to work on their pitching - I know there is still a few guys out due to basketball . In 2A ball you had better have at least two strong pichers to advance very far. District is where the rubber meets the road - the rest of the games is there just to prepare you for District and the games after that-WIN. All of you have to remember that the baseball program at Warren has suffered badly in the past due to not having a dedicated coach or coaches that know and understand baseball . A lot of coaches do not realize that if you do not teach players the right way to do things on JV they have to play catch up . I think Warren will see a distinct improvement this year and espically next year due to the coaches they have now. Warren has three coaches that really know baseball and want to advance . Anything can happen from one year to the next with kids. Have the other team get the ball in the air and watch them make mistakes !
  6. Have you even thought that there maybe someone in this world that really does not want to hear comments on ALL of these THREADS ;D!
  7. I belive his name was Brit Hart - a young guy from North Texas .
  8. I do not know the new coach but I met the High Island AD last year at a playoff game and this guy knows baseball - if he is still around I am sure High Island will do well this year. 8)
  9. It is going to be very interesting to see what teams do this year with their new coaches - just remember, these are kids so anything can happen when you get the ball in the air , kids seem to make a lot of mistakes when this happens - just look at the Tigers in the World Series. Good Luck to all the teams and their new coaches ! We are all ready for some good Baseball ! 8)
  10. Uncle Rico - I like the bat! 8)
  11. Let your Bat do the Talking otherwise it's just Talk ! 8)
  12. Looks like both of you need to dig your head out o the saaaaaaad tooo
  13. I have seen this over and over - the umpire does not know the rules -OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SAY WHAT YOU MEAN !
  14. Go Dogs - Glad to see you back on track !
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