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Fee Dee

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Everything posted by Fee Dee

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Trump's proclivity for litigation has a long history. The candidate and his businesses have been involved in a minimum of 3,500 lawsuits over the past 30 years, USA Today reported.
  3. Ha, ha, it was the cover picture on my FaceBook page for a good while.
  4. That's for damn sure! How do you think got his money, some he inherited, the rest? Law suites galore of people claiming he ripped them off.Obama got much of his money from book deals. Most of them take money, very few don't. I'm saying money first and public service second.
  5. How do you think got his money, some he inherited, the rest? Law suites galore of people claiming he ripped them off.Obama got much of his money from book deals. Most of them take money, very few don't. I'm saying money first and public service second.
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. I don't think any President would commit treason, not even Trump not against his country, but I do think Trump would take money from Russia or anybody else.
  8. [Hidden Content]
  9. Well! I want to compliment you for finally saying something that has semblances of some thought, rather than just sitting back and asking for evidence for every opinion I post.. I have a list of President Trump unusual behavior, a very long list. but you will probably say it's just fake news, this the perfect place for a meme, but I think I will let you slide for now. Doesn't mean I won't come back at you.
  10. [Hidden Content]
  11. Well! I want to compliment you for finally saying something that has semblances of some thought, rather than just sitting back and asking for evidence for every opinion I post.. I have a list of President Trump unusual behavior, a very long list. but you will probably say it's just fake news, this the perfect place for a meme, but I think I will let you slide for now. Doesn't mean I won't come back at you.
  12. Hell maybe I have gone Bananas, I have trouble with this site, so okay I pasted my own comments, Hey I understand Trump is in a bad light as far as us liberals, but what I fail to understand is why conservatives back him when he is wrong. I don't expect you all to throw him under the bus, but admit it when he makes a mistake, and don't try to whitewash it with alternate facts.
  13. Come on Englebert, the guy accused Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower. Earlier in May of this year, former Johns Hopkins University psychology professor John Gartner wrote that Trump displayed symptoms of “malignant narcissism” and that Trump’s public statements indicate that he is “psychotic.” A diagnosis of “malignant narcissism” requires a subject to exhibit four characteristics, Gartner wrote. Those would be “narcissism, paranoia, antisocial personality and sadism.” According to Gartner, “Trump exhibits all four.” One member of congress, Jamie Raskin of Maryland, announced a bill this week that would create an “Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity,” a congressional committee that would be charged with evaluating a president’s state of mind — potentially invoking the 25th Amendment if the commission finds a president such as Trump mentally unfit to serve. I'm not the only that think something is wrong with the President.
  14. What names? Open the book be specific, don't come out with your typical generalities, What name did I call Trump on this forum? You may shovel that manure around and some people fall for it, but I don't buy it. You very much remind of our President and that is not a compliment.
  15. Now you know better than t Obama told the Russians that we also had capabilities and would use them if they didn't back off. he also offered help to the state's election boards and our government put in countermeasures, What else should he have done, a full out cyber war, or maybe just nuke them. He put in sanctions that Trump team were it appears were trying to signal the Russian wouldn't be upheld under the new administration. It's obvious that you only read and hear what you agree with. Open up that mind and look at the whole picture.
  16. I'm not trying to tell him off, just an exchange of thoughts, we look at the world through a different prism, just trying to get across to him that the world is not necessarily like he views it nor the way I see it. It's probably a mixture.
  17. Hey no thin skin here, now tell what did I say that you mistook for an attack? Come on I double dare you? NAME IT!
  18. Ripple on a Pond? none of us are. Yes, I think the President's behavior is not normal from what I see on TV and reading his 2:00 AM tweets. I think the only ones I have indicated that in my opinion may have mental are you and him not people just you two. Well off to FaceBook now to see what other brainiacs I can try to enlighten.
  19. What one thinks of himself is of no consequence to those of us who don't give a damn about what they think, they may wallow in the self-satisfaction of stroking their ego believing in their superiority to others, but never realizing we all excel in different ways.Some have the gift of gab while others are dreamers with visions or gifted with manual skills that amaze us. So when someone comes across as condescending, I only sit back and wonder do they really realize how much they don't know.
  20. Oh! is that what it is? I thought it was someone who can't take a joke something like our current president, I told you early on, I like memes and I use them a lot. I like your spunk but all you do is spout off words, I hope you are not a doctor because all your patients would be dead with your assessment skills. Lighten up, it's a wonderful world out there even with conservatives.
  21. Oh! is that what it is? I thought it was someone who can't take a joke something like our current president, I told you early on, I like memes and I use them a lot. I like your spunk but all you do is spout off words, I hope you are not a doctor because all your patients would be dead with your assessment skills. Lighten up, it's a wonderful world out there even with conservatives.
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