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Fee Dee

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Everything posted by Fee Dee

  1. Now you know better than t Obama told the Russians that we also had capabilities and would use them if they didn't back off. he also offered help to the state's election boards and our government put in countermeasures, What else should he have done, a full out cyber war, or maybe just nuke them. He put in sanctions that Trump team were it appears were trying to signal the Russian wouldn't be upheld under the new administration. It's obvious that you only read and hear what you agree with. Open up that mind and look at the whole picture.
  2. No sir, you are wrong again, I think I'm a very simple man (no smart comments from you) who knows what he believes but is still willing to learn, I've seen much in my almost 80 yrs on this earth and it's kind of hard to teach an old dog new tricks especially when he has seen different versions of them before.In Your view, my logic might be flawed but it is based on life experiences not necessarily what I've read in books.
  3. Sorry I tried to bring his latest tweet across to this page as an example but I only got his picture.my bad.
  4. REBgp, I agree that the press has been on him, but he started the fight, a fight that many of us thought he could not win. He makes it hard on himself by not thinking before he speaks and those stupid 3:00 AM tweets make him look bad also. I'm all Trumped out, I wish the media would cover him less and cover world news more, we don't know what's going on in the rest of the world if we only watch network news. I thinks he likes the attention, he whines about it and wish it was all positive, but he loves being in the lime light, trust me.
  5. I don't need to back them up, they are opinions, you may think they are silly and outlandish, but I noticed all you do is counter-punch and you haven't really said much of anything except criticize the left. I'm new here and I haven't seen too many of you posts, I see there appears to be couple of thousands, maybe others make more sense than the ones I have seen here, you think you can analyze me by what I post on this blog? Try again, you are dead wrong when you try to label me a hater! I love people, No I don't like Mr. Trump because he is the exact opposite of me and what I believe. I do however agree with him in that we need to lower the national debt, Not sure that he is being honest about that,
  6. Are you say that you don't believe it? We have a bunch of God fearing, love thy neighbors type of people here in Texas and the USA?
  7. It's disappointing to read this, but haters exist and if they want to maintain that mindset it's okay with me, as long as they don't try to limit my rights and freedoms or those of my friends. I have many friends and relatives of different races and as long as we are not interfered with I don't care about racist.I wore the uniform to protect our rights and will not yield to as---oles with hoods. 10-4
  8. I afraid that going to church in some cases doesn't make you a better person, but I think it should if you get the message.
  9. I don't know that he is or not, never thought about Harry Reid, I guess I can read his bio and give an opinion. I think to be a decent person means pretty much the same thing to most of us.
  10. Taking nothing away from them, maybe they should refocus
  11. There is a difference between being politically correct and being a kind decent human being. Are you a decent human being?
  12. I'm sort of new to this board, I see name calling, seems to the way y'all roll here. I had enough of that on facebook. No better here . Queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or not cisgender. Originally meaning "strange" or "peculiar", queer came to be used pejoratively against those with same-sex desires or relationships in the late 19th century. Beginning in the late 1980s, queer scholars and activists began to reclaim the word to establish community and assert an identity distinct from the gay identity. People who reject traditional gender identities and seek a broader and deliber
  13. I think where you make your mistake is where you think I hate Trump, After the election I was on FaceBook telling my liberal friends to let's give the guy a chance, catching a lot of heat, but I think he has hurt himself with his own dumb tweets and all his double talk. He says one thing and I guess he must forget because he says the opposite the next day or so. I don't believe that President Obama or any other leader in this country wants our country to fail. If you are referring to my belief that Trump has tapes as a nutty hypothesis that can't be verified, to me it's common sense I think most meetings are documented in some way, you can't rely on memory on these important issues. Maybe I missed something but how did Obama trying to equalize the playing field get into this thread unless you were directed this to someone else? What I say is what I believe is the truth, you may not see it that way, just as you think our talking points are looney, guess what, to us, some conservative positions are pretty darn crazy. I will state it one more time, I don't hate anyone, it's okay to have different points of view, that doesn't make you a bad person nor I, It makes the world more interesting.
  14. [Hidden Content]
  15. Paranoid personality disorder (PPD) is one of a group of conditions called "Cluster A" personality disorders which involve odd or eccentric ways of thinking. People with PPD also suffer from paranoia, an unrelenting mistrust and suspicion of others, even when there is no reason to be suspicious. I think that says it all ( Obama wire tapped Trump tower). ( The media is out to get me) ( Fake News) Etc.
  16. He never said he had the tapes out right. However, I believe he does have a tape, but it will never be revealed. He said it was all a bluff and I think that may be true to a point, but he never said for sure and he's not going to admit that he is recording his meeting, but I bet he does. He is not foolish enough to admit that.
  17. I don't think anyone wants to see our politicians shot down just because they have a different opinion than we do, but by the same token we may feel sorry for them is does not absolve them of their previous actions or buy them undue sympathy. Yes feel sorry for him and pray for him if you wish, but his actions and statements speak for themselves
  18. I think he does have tapes, anyone who is as paranoid as he is would record meetings, I think where the problem occurs is that tapes would prove that Comey is telling the truth. "In his tweet, Trump put the word tapes in quotation marks, indicating that there may be a some kind of record of his conversation with Comey, whether or not it's an actual audio or video recording. He used a similar construct in two of his March 4 tweets accusing President Barack Obama, without any evidence, of wiretapping his campaign offices. Trump put the words “wires tapped” in quotation marks, which Spicer later argued meant surveillance activities more broadly as opposed to physical wiretapping. " Something is wrong with the Prez!
  19. You, my nutty friend, can BS these other guys on here but don't forget I've known you for more than 40 years and you are no dummy, however being a conservative I've always wondered about that.
  20. You got that right he was wrong on all counts, It's not so much that he is a conservative, he doesn't even realize the benefits of bussing underprivileged children to better school. just as an example.It's not just black kids, it's poor rural white kids too. He doesn't realize that money manipulation helps keep the poor and lower middle class from gaining ground. I, unlike Rebgp, am familiar with this guy and have NEVER liked him or what he stands for.
  21. He is smart in his field, you know things that he hasn't got a clue about, don't sell yourself short. If you devote enough time to any subject you can become VERY good at it.
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