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Fee Dee

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Everything posted by Fee Dee

  1. Funny. However, Liberal open to new ideas. Not all necessarily crazy :-)
  2. We see what we want to see and believe what we want to believe if you get news from msnbc and I get my news from Fox we will surely have different opinions of what the facts actually are.
  3. That's for sure, I'm liberal on most issues, but not all, I think we are all probably a little of both. I think that is probably a good thing,
  4. I watched everyone I could find, I have policemen friends and don't want to believe that a cop would kill someone just for the hell of it, but in this case, I thnk part of the problem is that he was afraid the other cop didn't feel threatened.
  5. [Hidden Content] Are talking about the same incident?
  6. Maybe you should watch this again. [Hidden Content]
  7. We are at loggerheads on this one, I think he should have been found guilty and you evidently don't, so we may as well drop it. It's just a difference of opinions anyway, what done is done.
  8. Millennials, they haven't lived long enough to know anything yet! It's not the White privilege it's the privilege of being born at a time when most of the hardships of living are absent and everything they see is easy come easy go. I like to curse, but I know better on this site. so I'll stop now.
  9. The same campus disinvited Bill Maher, and he is certainly not a conservative.
  10. My point is what comes to your mind before you consulted the dictionary?
  11. Where did you get this white privilege crap from, in this country, it's the 1% against the rest of us? Stop trying to make this into a race issue, it's about conservatives and liberals, there are plenty of black conservatives, God knows I can't explain it!
  12. A jury of his peers, let me google the jury and I might have more to say on that subject. Okay, I googled it, his peers were 2 blacks out of 12 on the jury, hardly had a chance of a conviction.
  13. You know I have a lot of respect for your opinions, so I ask you, what do you think of when you think of a socialist? Conservatives use that word a lot? It may mean two different things to us, I know what the dictionary say.
  14. That's plain nuts, I love people, like to pull their strings but I don't hate anyone. I believe in country, guns (for protection) and yes we have a great country even with the problems, don't want to change our system of government. just want to fix what's broken, rather than fight each other maybe we could identify what needs fixing and agree on a fix. But in order to do that, we must hear each other and stop trying to one-up each other.
  15. We are at loggerheads on this one, I think he should have been found guilty and you evidently don't, so we may as well drop it. It's just a difference of opinions anyway, what done is done.
  16. . I think the cop was afraid and shot because he was afraid. I think the victim may have miss understood and I could buy that, I just can buy shooting him 7 times!
  17. Mail him a ticket, policemen shouldn't be stopping people because a bulb is burned out in his tail light. Go solve a real crime!
  18. That was too vague! It's just an excuse.
  19. I watched this video over and over and over, what I see is a murder! You see it your way, but that is what I see and believe!
  20. That's plain nuts, I love people, like to pull their strings but I don't hate anyone. I believe in country, guns (for protection) and yes we have a great country even with the problems, don't want to change our system of government. just want to fix what's broken, rather than fight each other maybe we could identify what needs fixing and agree on a fix. But in order to do that, we must hear each other and stop trying to one-up each other.
  21. I think you are okay, kind of nutty but okay! If you knew me, I doubt that you would think I'm hateful.
  22. Stop being petty, I'm simply stating my opinion, I don't need to explain, If you can NOT see his unusual behavior, then there is nothing that I can say that help you understand what I'm talking about.
  23. I think you know me well enough, that one political views don't bother me at all, I might wonder why someone feels that way or think that way, but that is where it stops. We simply disagree that's it!
  24. I think it's trying to show broad open minded person vs a closed not open to other ideas type of person someone stuck in the past. Just a thought.
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