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Everything posted by biaplayer

  1. I thought it was kinda cool myself, the picture of the student section said it all school spirit in the greatest rivalry of them all in the state of Texas thought it was creative thinking!
  2. well this fella here did that but forgot the damn stamp on the return envelope and guess what I got general admission
  3. music to my ears every time we get a first down or a score lol.
  4. the bulldogs suiting up your boy, that's the only way they would have a chance, lol
  5. haven't had anyone have success doing that yet, RJ is the Y factor and yall will be saying Y cant we stop him lol
  6. I don't think yall keep us under 40 just cant see that happening, I'm looking for a serious beatdown like last year 10pts or better PNG
  7. we have been here all year, cant say the same for you the bulldog faithful, we have the talent to beat you and we will. just watching the clock waiting to for opening kickoff.
  8. if our game isn't on a Thursday I will be there supporting the stangs, just 5 mins from my work, will be sporting the purple and white though but I will be there!
  9. Evidently the dogs cant line up and play smashmouth, last time i checked we have played the same teams that yall have and beat them including the ones that beat you. I dont underatand your logic, but i do know yall will get handed your 3rd loss of the season
  10. There you go the truth and nothing but the truth
  11. Not a doubt in my mind who wins, dont need no ifs in the equation of PNG winning. Its going down Friday Night, the Indians are coming into the old outdated Bulldog stadium to wreck shop and take names. Wont be just the QB doing all the work, it will be an offesive team effort to euthanize that doggie defense. Gonna be a long night for Neds defense. Going to enjoy giving Nederland another L on that 2018 record. Get Ready!!!
  12. So its classless to talk about Larry, but ok to talk about running Faircloth out of town, kinda double standard,but i expect that from the Ned Faithful
  13. I think our once in a lifetime qb is going to shred that NED defense to pieces.
  14. we shall see, but we didn't have a problem picking off those passes. Should be a great game but I still think PNG comes away with the W. I just hope we got rid of the turnover bug from last week, both turnovers were no reason for. Got to keep it clean!!
  15. evidently the record book says other wise lol you still need to accumulate some wins before you catch us. Im not worried about the past as all you bullmutts like to live in the last 20 some odd years, all that counts to me is the present, this Friday throw all the other years out, this is where it counts right now.
  16. I'm glad he is playing I don't want no excuses for this beat down they are gonna get.
  17. I knew you wouldn't let me down, lol true sportsman Wheelhouse is good with me
  18. no have been informed the kid is still gonna play and it was a NED player not one of ours, no failed report cards lol
  19. take the bet James, I talked to the other James and he said he let you off because he felt it could be a defeat by 5tds, whats a lil lunch bet amongst rivals lol
  20. well not to get off the subject but heard a nasty rumor that is going around about a key player that may or may not be playing, I hope this isn't true because I want to beat them fairly and be the best team on the field, and there not be any excuses. I guess we will find out Friday.
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