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kicker 2.0

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Everything posted by kicker 2.0

  1. Awesome post Terrell! Told you nothing to worry about brother! Lol. It was an honor to have you as my teammate and friend. You also made another great decision...your a Cougar now...go Coogs!!! I remeber how coach T had a soft spot for you, not because you had a hearing impairment, but were a monster at football!! No one was upset you left bud. I bet the infrastructure at the new school helped you get where you are now. Nothing against WOS, but I don’t believe we had the resources you needed with your situation. Notice I don’t call it a “disability”, it’s not. With your story and where you are now, I don’t see anything that held you back! Was it a harder road? Probably. Does that make you better for how hard you worked? Absolutely!! Just like another poster said, God doesn’t make mistakes, he put you where you are for a reason and that reason is to teach and mentor others that have the same daily situations you did! Anyways, keep posting brother!! And thanks for reminding me about the ‘97 LaMarque game!!! I remeber I pinned them deep on the kickoff.....next play, Goynes was past the secondary before we knew he had the damn ball!!! I just got over that loss about 2 weeks ago, now It will take another 20 years....lol, just kidding!!
  2. Good lord Grant, might as well go make out with every Kennedale player!!! Lmao!!
  3. Did i just hear y’all say no team in 4A can stop Kennedale???? Ummmm....maybe y’all should research that -1 after the 14.
  4. It started with Mcardy in 1977, turned over to Hooks and Thompson a few years later then ultimately completely turned over to Thompson. I don’t care what other teams may say. West Orange Stark is the winningest and most successful HS football team in the history of Texas. Just look at the records, stats, etc. Once they get to the 500 game mark(early next year) no one will be even close. Does anyone outside that doesn’t understand in 40 years they have an 81% winning percentage?? That’s averaging 1-2 losses a year!! That is beyond insane!!
  5. One step further, there are some that are so focused on just the sheer fact that Coach T was chosen as the next AD/HC and wasn’t “the color skin they wanted”, took their kids out of WOS and put them in other local schools. That’s the “little Johnny syndrome” that I am referring to. How ironic is it that the “other school/schools can’t even make the playoffs much less go to 4 straight SC’s. I pray to God that one day the color of our skin or where we live, come from a different social status goes away. There is no room for racism anymore but yet it’s still here. And it’s on BOTH sides....not just one. I was lucky to be raised by awesome parents that taught me there is no such thing as a color difference.....the same I taught/teach my children...i will just keep praying that others follow suit.....
  6. If and when Coach T retires (which won’t be anytime soon) the program will be handed to A. An alumni or B. A coach that has been in the program long enough to understand the dynamics of the “Mustang Way” i.e. an Eddie Dyer, Mike Pierce, etc. Neither of those two are WOS alumn but have been there long enough to understand the mindset and program! Hell, they both coached me and I graduated in ‘99.
  7. I believe it’s in the mid 30’s on players. But here is the kicker, we only had the same amount when I played and teams even before me and we were 2.5 times the size school they are now. WOS always carries a small roster on varsity for 2 reasons. 1. Only the best get to wear the Silver helmet unless you are a Senior(no little johnnie syndrome at WOS, parents stay out of it) 2. Many, and I mean Many players can’t take the grueling practices and off season and quit or transfer. WOS demands mental toughness just as much or more than physical toughness. Going back to #1....we were all groomed from when we were even 4 or 5 years old of what it would take to wear the flying WOS on our helmets. It was accepted by the parents and also the kids that understood the fraternity of being a Mustang football player.A.K.A., you knew what to expect 10 years before you even showed up in the stands for that first two a day practice as a Freshman. There is a sign in the fieldhouse that is there for a reason and the EXACT example of this....”Those who remain, will be champions” not just on the field, but in life also......From my personal experience, how many high schools make kickers actually practice with the defense and are thought the same way as a linebacker or DB? I only was able to practice my craft during the offensive period. That is why I had no issues tackling and loved to lay people out when I had the chance, and I did it multiple times in my 4 years there. I wore #18 because I was also a strong safety(even though I didn’t play that position, but could if needed) we were all coached the same no matter our “regular” position. WOS football is a mind set, a way of life, not just a slogan.....
  8. Oh, and did yall do tonight.....oh, that’s right.....my bad
  9. Wish it was at NRG.
  10. Actually could of been if you were there. We had 1st and goal at the end of the game and shut it down.
  11. Well, if you had a truck(or maybe you still do) i would say make them ride in the back the whole way!! Lol!! Just kidding! Or just borrow Josh’s truck. Haha
  12. Trust me, you will be by far, not the only person without Navy Blue on. WOS fans and players love to see the support from other local teams! I bet there will be a bunch of other purple there but just with an Indian Logo, not an Eagle....WOS fans are beyond hospitibal toward their local friends!!
  13. Yep, just have to figure out which was is “less slow” lol!!
  14. Lol!! My thoughts exactly!!
  15. Well, hate to be a realist here but it’s a game on the complete West side of Houston and on a Friday. Not really a good way to go. More of a “lesser pain” route! Lol!!! I agree though, I10 would probably be the worst choice here....
  16. Yeah, i forgot to put them in and then it wouldn’t let me edit it. Lol
  17. Oh, and LaVega and Kennedale.
  18. Wow!! Am I looking at this wrong, or did all the top 10 lose except for WOS and Carthage? What a crazy night!! Lots of new faces in the Quarter Finals though.
  19. I called that one! And PG!!
  20. Quick answer is what happened Friday. CW strength is his speed and elusiveness. It’s worked all year, why expose him to injury if you trust your defense will shut down the other team and all the O has to do is score a couple TD’s to win??
  21. What coach in the whole State of Texas wouldn’t be spoiled having JD and company?? Come on! Eddie is doing an awesome job. People need to stop trying to compare this team to last years. It’s not fair to the coaches or kids. This is a different team with a different playing style. If anyone has been spoiled the last few years it’s the fans that can’t understand last years graduating class was a once every 20+ year team! There are plays where CW had almost 8 options or Check downs that could probably score every time but CW hasn’t had that much time to read all of them.
  22. I’m sorry but! I just spit beer on my phone laughing! Post of the year!
  23. MIne is still in mint condition, still fits perfect also. WOS c/o 99.
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