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kicker 2.0

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Everything posted by kicker 2.0

  1. Chad Dallas was perfect last night. The kid has grown leaps and bounds!!! Proud of him. I’ve been wanting to practice and help him like I️ did last year, but with fixing the flooded house and work, my time is unbelievably hectic! I️ feel bad but looks like he doesn’t need any help. Hopefully I can make it to some playoff practices.
  2. WOS struggled with those teams?? Silsbee and HJ were beat handily our bad snaps cost us over 100 yards. The O wasn’t clicking but the D shut them down. And pull away late from Liberty? Have you seen the box score and how many yards Liberty had? Come on
  3. Plus I bet if you go back to the previous years and look at the threads, they wasn’t any smack back then either. Much respect for each other. Heck there are many Mustang alumni that live in Orangefield now.
  4. Pearsall doesn’t play anyone. They are down south IH 35 about 45min SW of San Antonio and play teams like Crystal City and Carizzo Springs. Very weak teams down there. When I used to travel, I was down that way for about 2 years. CS is about an hour North of Laredo. Also think Lytle is in their district also. I’ll look it up.
  5. They won't shut out Orangefield unless they keep Rainey out of range. Not sure what it is but it's probably atleast 45 yards. Kid is an awesome kicker and weapon...Smally will use him even if we're up 50-0 just to score points and to keep him warm for the playoffs. He had 7 of the 13 points last night for the Bobcats.
  6. Keep going!!! Lol!!!!
  7. See, that's my point Jag. When you play that offense every week, you tend to figure it out. Lol! However, it could be detrimental to us also by not seeing a team spread it out. You see that more in the later rounds of playoffs. Y'all are just used to defending the opposite of what we dang near always see!
  8. I know y'all didn't play some of the teams. I was just being funny. Always been a fan of Newton!
  9. Good lawd!!! Keep it up Eagles!! Hopefully we'll both be in Dallas again come mid December! Disclaimer: Newton should not be 1 on the SETX poll when #2 doesn't play teams like Hemphill or Grovetonvillwestsabinehellenkellerschoolgarrisondaveycrocket......and has been to 3 consecutive SC's and have won 2 of them....yes, I'm jealous and bitter! Lol!!
  10. Does the district still do the coin toss stuff? Wasn't it about 10 or 15 years ago that a coin toss decided who made the playoffs and who turned the pads in? Kinda sucks for the kids.
  11. Well, even though it's been scrimmages the past few years, I believe Vidor has scored one or two TD's on the defense in a simulated game. Yalls district is interesting.....it's almost like no matter how good a team is, there is always the nemesis team that beats them even if the haven't won a game. Great competition there, too bad WOS dropped. We had some classic games back in the 90's when I played and we were all together. WOS, PNG, Nederland, Lincoln, Lumberton, Bridge City, LCM and sometimes TJ, Silsbee and Jasper. Epic battles!!
  12. So Sinton is out? Or I mean not in the top 3 or 4 of the region?
  13. I posted this in the other thread thinking it was this one but this is my thoughts and why I feel people shouldn't be surprised what we did to Liberty..... People still don't understand.....when you run that offense, the Wing or Slot T, you will not win against WOS. It's not as much that we are so much better than anyone else, it's the simple fact that we see it so much! Coach T has that offense beyond figured out. As long as the kids keep their assignments it's lights out! We just won our 34th game in a row and I'd be willing to bet 90% of those 34 wins were against the Slot/Wing T.
  14. People still don't understand.....when you run that offense, the Wing or Slot T, you will not win against WOS. It's not as much that we are so much better than anyone else, it's the simple fact that we see it so much! Coach T has that offense beyond figured out. As long as the kids keep their assignments it's lights out! We just won our 34th game in a row and I'd be willing to bet 90% of those 34 wins were against the Slot/Wing T.
  15. So does this mean LCM can or will get the DC?
  16. The young kids need games like this so they understand other teams won't roll over and play dead just because we have a 33 game win streak and back to back SC's. Kids have to earn every victory.
  17. Also, HJ doesn't exactly have a bad defense you know.
  18. To answer your question, I believe being in the shotgun helps Chakas play style. If we run the read option, he has more time to read the defense and hit an open gap. JD3 didn't run that many RO so he would go under center more. Just two different playing styles for each one. Both had their strengths and weaknesses and I believe having CW in the gun makes more sense. I could be wrong though....just my opinion.
  19. Doesn't really matter what the scoreboard says as long as you get a W. 33 wins 0 losses. Goodnight
  20. 6-0 Hawks. 8min left in half
  21. Lol!! Come on! I've always learned not to make momma mad....bad things happen. You can pick HJ this week so you still have hands to type....well give you a "man pass" on this one! Hahahah
  22. Score? Come on Pirates!!!!
  23. Hey, hey....I used to do the same. Lol!
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