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Everything posted by BruinPride08

  1. Mr. Daniels sent an email to all the teachers with that information. As far as I know and the teachers know, that is the correct information for the first playoff game. I'll let y'all know if something changes.
  2. Pres Lincoln = President Abraham Lincoln. The 16th President of the United States... Anyway, the band is definitely ready for Friday night. Some of us may be a little emotionally unstable ;D but, hey, at least we've got those emotions flowing. That's the way it needs to be. And! We're more than ready for the first playoff game. We heard today that we will be playing South Houston at Stallworth Stadium on Nov 17 at 1 PM (we're visitors). I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at both the Channelview and the S.H. game!
  3. I'm afraid that some people may have misinterpreted me and the state champ's discussion. I don't believe he stepped on anyone's toes. He said exactly what needed to be said. I've heard many people, including my own parents, say the same thing. I just wanted to clear up some of those points for everyone in SETX. And I'm proud to have someone in BMT who cares about WB and the band that supports it. Kudos to him! But the point of this is unity, and the only way to get there is if we work through our differences. This is what just happened. We found the common ground that is our Bruins and we've cleared everything up. Pres Lincoln once said "A house divided against itself cannot stand." We are unifying like never before because of a common, shall we say, opponent. This is what needs to happen all across Bruin Country! I will be there on Friday and so will SOUNDPOWER. Playing loud (just ask the Stars), and shoving Paw Power down the throats of the Falcons. We will be there, come hell or high water, forever.
  4. Thanks for the hot dogs WeedBeGone, its nice when the schools shows some support for all the hard work we put in during the year. Now, to the comments that we can't be heard in the stands (this comment seems to have been deleted). First, there is very little pride in the band (just as the blogger stated), and I think its safe to extend that all the way to the majority of the Stars and cheerleaders, too. (I'm sorry for being so blunt) There is spirit in these organizations, but not like there use to be. Its a travesty really. I don't know why its become like this, but I would guess its because the parents are forcing these kids into the band and they don't want to be there. I want to be there! I would rather go to a game with 30 or 40 band members who had enough spirit and were at least willing to try to play and perform than with 160 band members who are just in it because their mommy said so. Second, you can't hear us in the stands because we are playing toward a big empty section of the visitors section. I'm no engineer, but I think its safe to assume that not much sound is going to bounce back from the seats or the houses behind them. But, I know you can hear us on the field. I have the tapes to prove it! So lets show a little bit of Bruin spirit for the fight song and paw power when you hear us on the field even if you don't like our drill music. And FYI, the stars always participate in our songs, you can always glance down towards them just to see what's going on if you can't hear us at all. Also, we don't play a lot of the time because we will not play when our team has the ball (which seems to be most of the game lately). But when the visitors have the ball...well, that's the director's call. But in the end, I agree with you. I wish we could be the big, loud, professional, and crowd-pumping band that a 5A Varsity band ought to be. But we try anyway, even if its not always enough. But one day we'll be with our Bruins in the state championship game with everyone else, blaring paw power the entire time!
  5. As a member of SoundPower, I've noticed that many people in the crowd don't participate in either the school song or Paw Power with the hand gestures. We can all wear the same colors, and we'll be pretty scary. But if we can get everyone in the stands to do the "Number One" for the school song and "the claw" for Paw Power, we will scare the hell out of the so called "mighty falcons". We have to be completely united to be a real threat to not only the Channelview team but also the opposing crowd.
  6. This Friday's game will be a great chance to get our revenge against Channelview, and to get those teams in our playoff bracket to fear us whether we will play them or not. We need to keep this spirit moving all the way through the playoffs and for years to come. So many 5A's don't respect us because of our aging facilities and our less than great performance several years ago. This is a great time to force all the 5A's in Texas to fear the name "West Brook."
  7. I'm glad to hear so many people are going! I'm at the game every week and the games are so much better when there's a huge crowd of fans to cheer on our Bruins. I'm looking forward to seeing a <i>huge</i> crowd of people all wearing red or blue on Friday! It's going to be an old fashioned mauling. ;D
  8. How about we take this one step further? First, there are 25 years of alumni, and enough Beaumont residents who support WB to effectively double Channelview's population next Friday. We have got to take advantage of our years and spirit! Second, I know A&M has something called a "Maroon Out" game where everyone wears Maroon. How about a Red or Blue out game this Friday and during the playoffs? The Katy game two years ago was very impressive because the crowd showed their unity and spirit by everyone wearing red. I think its high time that WB really shows up en mass and with enough spirit to make Channelview fear us for years to come!
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