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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. Orangefield will be without two starters.  The Orangefield JV won 48-8.
  2. predictions*  Of who would make the playoffs and who wouldn't.
  3. Rizon was correct about last years predections...
  4. What doe it really hurt? What if it's a strong district, and the 4th place can take out the first place in another distirct? Shouldn't they get a chance at the playoffs?  I'm from a 3A school..so it doesn't affect me...I'm just wondering.
  5. Outright?  No tie with Bridge City or Hamshire Fannett? How many..I don't know if it's several...I could be wrong.
  6. Livingston already beat Central this year in district.
  7. Is that the same HCYA that came to the Orangefield tournament?
  8. [quote]What are u on drug.Are u just mad cause HJ lost.U better be thing about Cleveland.NOT NW[/quote] That has so many errors, it's hard for MOST people to understand it.
  9. [quote name="HoopInsider_Cooper" post="736819" timestamp="1262235535"] [font=Courier]Catman said HJ will not beat Cleveland.[/font] [/quote] :D Thanks!  
  10. I didn't go this year, but I has read what you posted on here and what some of our parents said about how bad they were...I was just wondering if that hurts Livingston when they come to the Golden Triangle and play teams here with our refs..
  11. roar, do the refs always call like that?  I wasn't there, but I have heard from several people it was pretty bad.  Is that something Livingston has to get used to playing there or what? 
  12. What team out there has no one hurt right now...Seemed this weeks tournaments hurt a lot of players...What's the deal?
  13. Anyone know the final with Lufkin and Livingston...and Hudson and HJ?
  14. Settle down Bleed before you have to take your blood pressure medicine. I wasn't arguing,  I was giving an example of how tough the ladies are.  ::)
  15. Ashton is tough though, I mean she did play after needing stiches in her last year against HJ... ;)
  16. Who was all in this tournament?
  17. Ashton, her hand, Kasidy, sprained ankle in the 2nd game, and Megan Burton shoulder. Marissa played lmited mins but did well from what I hear..
  18. Lufkin and Livingston play in the finals...Hudson and Hardin Jefferson play for 3rd and 4th...That's all I know. I'm curious to know the Lufkin/Livingston final.
  19. Where are all those people who said EC was going to be in the finals...like every year.. ;D
  20. The JV did go undefeated, and you did pick that order...
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