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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. This is the dumbest thread I have ever read. :
  2. Old news, the only one who truely cared was you DV, trust me no one is going to go to this wedding UNinvited.
  3. : Well if someone was invited then they apparently knew him and would like to attend.
  4. We'll soon all find out, but until then...who cares?
  5. I don't think any of them are open campuses, but I could be wrong.
  6. You won't find a post where I say anything bad about: Palin, Obama, Bush, Biden, or McCain. If flubbing up makes you "retarded" then Biden should be on that list too.
  7. When the stock market crashed, Franklin Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the princes of greed. He said, "look, here's what happened." --Joe Biden In interview with CBS News, September 2008. However, Roosevelt wasn't president in 1929 and televisions were still experimental. Yet Palin is the 'dumb' one. :
  8. Apparently someone thought it offensive because he apologized. You don't know how he felt about it, he can't correct Biden, he picked him as VP, that would make him look bad in the process. What do you think about this quote? Is this not a big deal either? "In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking." --Joe Biden
  9. Biden tried to tell you, maybe you weren't listening. [Hidden Content] And how do you know that? Why would he say anything about it, I mean it would only make Biden look bad. It was smart to just let it go, who knows what was said behind closed doors, I doubt you do.
  10. If you would have clicked the link with that quote, you can then look at all the wonderful words from VP Biden. So quick to GENERALIZE Southeast Texans.
  11. DV, Dove, SFA, and any of the other who have brought up racism. I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man. Joe Biden About US presidential candidate Barack Obama, January 2007. He later apologised for these remarks, saying: "I deeply regret any offense my remark in the New York Observer might have caused anyone. That was not my intent and I expressed that to Sen. Obama". [Hidden Content]
  12. [Hidden Content] Because Joe Biden is a really great speaker and all. This is my favorite. Where are all the people who call out everyone for racist remarks? "You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.... I'm not joking." --Joe Biden, in a private remark to an Indian-American man caught on C-SPAN, June, 2006 There's a video clip is you want that link...
  13. Because he's black...and male... : : Are you serious, man? You think that Palin is in the same league with Barack Obama? You have GOT to be kidding...seriously. And your answer is...
  14. She was a GOVERNER. What do some of you people do?
  15. I've never watched them, but they played Bridge City a FEW times, why not try to play better teams.
  16. Brock didn't lose much, so no I do not think Woodville will win. They got killed by Brock.
  17. She lost in the 2nd round lol, so Gabe you are correct. I pick one of the Williams sisters, and Rodger.
  18. What does PNG have coming back?
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