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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. What are the biggest games for this year going to be?
  2. GT Shockers Orange Crush Blast doesn't have one anymore?
  3. If that was the case Orangefield girls would have had MVP of the district 2 years in a row...They didn't... >
  4. Just because you win doesn't mean you have the BEST player...Means you have the best TEAM.
  5. I think you should just stick to what you know. If you're team presses and traps the then stick with it...If they play man, go man. Changing it up might cause some confusion...
  6. How many "Gold" teams are there in this area?
  7. I wish Orangefield would set up a game with Woodville. I'd like to see how good they are.
  8. Haven't heard, but if I find anything I will post it on here.
  9. There have been rumors for a while about it, maybe it's just rumors...We'll know soon.
  10. We could just lock it up, and post the Orange Leader story here, and IF anything happens then we can uplock it and send it to the top...Or move it to deleted threads until its 100% true, or leave it how ever you want to do it. ;D
  11. You're very right it's going to be hard trying to fill the spots. We shall see.
  12. IF it's true, they would be getting a whole new staff of coaches too, a lot of asst. are leaving this year as well.
  13. I didn't think they had much coming back, I could be wrong.
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