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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. My guess would be no. If it is no for the non-athletic programs, then transportation for student-athletes needs to go.... It's not a know. Einstein was just guessing so he can stir the pot. Aggies shouldn't you be on the basketball forum? Shouldn't you also speak of what you know instead of just saying things. A wise man once told me if you keep your mouth shut then people will only think you are an idiot but when you open your mouth you remove all doubt!!!!!!! I'm just saying. Abraham Lincoln said that...Dang you're old
  2. I have a good idea, who ever wins from now on in 7th & 8th grade AUTOMATICALLY get to go to the playoffs when they get in high school... Now BCTreasurer Bridge City can maybe finally get to go to the playoffs in basketball!!!!!
  3. Great News! Cat22 did you post this on the Orangefield website?
  4. Oh Jr. High? : I graduated in '05, we didn't win a single game in Jr. High NOT ONE! 2005 first team to go to the playoffs in 47yrs. Jr. High...Come on.. :
  5. Kountze hasn't lost a game since the Livingston Tournament, and they beat Central already this year.
  6. Aimee can do it all! Tell her I said I want 42 points, 18 rebounds, 9 steals and 13 assists or I'm misspelling her name! LMAO You tell her that!!! ;D
  7. I don't know about the points, but this is who I pick to win.. Ozen Central LCM Silsbee WOS Orangefield---that's my upset pick ;D Anahuac Buna Kountze
  8. You've proven you could win a football game : can you win a basketball game?
  9. what does matter is that we still have the buzzie gunn trophy no matter what Why?
  10. Yes there will be a JV game. I think only 5 girls, but there will be a game :
  11. Ya know, I just got done getting my butt kicked in tennis for about 3 hours...I didn't think about it :-[
  12. Where is it being played at, not that it matters... Silsbee by 50
  13. Not that it matters, PNG "faithful" would be ok. You see, over here in PNG land, we respect the decisions of the respective school administrations.....again, it seems that more people that DON'T have a "dog in this fight", are getting more upset than the folks at PNG. Know what....I can almost bet the PNG faithful feel sorry for you for letting something like this get under your skin..... PNG>>>>>>>>Honor.............Pride.............Tradition........"Priceless" I'm from Orangefield. Is whoever PNG picks going to effect me? Not in the least. But I bet you'd wanna know if it was Nederland
  14. The refs weren't 41 points bad...but since you did beat LCM and HJ went to overtime with them it should have been closer... :
  15. That's AWESOME! If the people in this area would update the girl's scores around here it would be just like that..
  16. I didn't say anything about the Navasota game OldRef, that was Jdad. I don't really yell at the refs to much this year because I keep the book and I am on my laptop and to busy yelling at my sister (someone told her she was a shot blocker...she's 5'9 : )
  17. You know I wonder if this was Nederland or Central how the PNG faithful would be acting then... ???
  18. The refs at Orangefield also fouled out KK and Laura last year in the game against Silsbee...They aren't always on our side :'( :
  19. EC is having a not so good year this year either.
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