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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. 13-35 OF Half time Olivia Wagner is playing awesome!
  2. 13-33 OF 1:04 left in the 2nd HF is now in bonus
  3. 6:43 left in the 2nd Beach with 2 fouls 18-8 OF
  4. 20-15 Ozen after 1 33-28 Central Halftime 40-37 Central after 3
  5. What college does she go to and what sport does she play?
  6. HF JV starts at 5:00..Well I hope you can find someone to stop the Wagner sisters ;D
  7. Check you PM's I KNEW you must have not seen this post before you sent me that
  8. I would do ANYTHING to have KK Little for one more year... OFG3A09SC
  9. 7. Ball hogs 8. Going to the corner 9. Picking your dribble up > 10. Not using the backboard 11. TURNOVERS 12. Passing TO much 13. Forcing passes ........
  10. My daughter was the one with the bad attitude. LOL!!!!! Maybe she was just mean. :o ;D I knew you were going to say something about that!
  11. I think it will be closer than most people would think. I go with what you said, but OF doesn't score in the 40's to often...
  12. i stand by my statement about you... but i would not think about saying about him iw ouldnt challenge him like i would you to much respect for him... and a lack for you... even if you said the same thing..... you say it and you are wrong and he could say it and he is right... Is 10 your age? :
  13. Actually Orangefield was in the Championship the same day...Just at a different Tournament :
  14. Espically when you are winning by 20 or more... >
  15. WOS wins by 2... HJ wins by 50+... Orangfield wins by 20+...
  16. 1. Girls with bad attitudes 2. Girls who want to be begged to play 3. Silsbee fans just kidding Tigersvoice 3. Losing 4. Playing teams that are horrible 5. Teams who tackle instead of playing defense 6. Fans who don't know anything about basketball, but think they do More to come when I think of them...
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