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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. I sure hope not!! He'd be very wrong there too!
  2. Look at last year... Silsbee we beat by 20 @ Silsbee then we only beat them by like 5 at home HF we beat by 5 at home then by 20 @ HF Beat HJ at home and lost to them @ HJ ;D
  3. To bad it had to be people from Orangefield to bring them up because no one at Ozen posts on here.
  4. you spelled schedule wrong..... haha sorry... the teacher in me is coming out. Spell check won't come up at work... :-[ :-[
  5. Let me spell it out for you... I K-N-O-W W-H-O M-A-K-E-S T-H-E S-C-H-E-D-U-L-E I never said anything about the players making it.. I believe HJ did play in the YMBL...I don't follow HJ like I follow Orangefield...
  6. My internet is down at home and am using the office hook-up. Not as much opportunity to defend the weak, fight for the oppressed, and, generally, right the wrongs that are coming out of Orangefield. ;D Someone from Silsbee started this thread...
  7. You're kidding right? : NO JOKE! I'm saying Ozens COACH scheduled HF, but no other 3A teams from the area, and you just added more to my point by saying last year HF cancelled and your coach still scheduled to play them again this year...
  8. Are you saying OF or HJ is not worthy enough to play Ozen girls? Or are you saying PLEASE play us? ???
  9. Central wins, but only because the refs let them.
  10. I doubt Ozen played HJ unless it was in a tourny, they won't play GOOD 3A teams (HJ or OF) but they will play HF right before district... :
  11. Sara McPherson had 15 for BC Is that the right score? That's what Sara told me..
  12. Even one of their post banked in a 3... We will be awake and ready the rest of district...All teams have off nights, but to have an off night and still win says a lot!
  13. Kountze is the real deal...I thought their lack of depth would hurt them, but I haven't seen it hurt them yet... Congrats!
  14. LCM BEAT LIVINGSTON!! I don't know the score but that is the text I just received.
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