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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. There is another girl in this area from Orangefield (Kay-K Little) the only difference in her and Ang: Ang is taller, and Kay-K is a lot better on defense. ;D
  2. I don't want people to think I am saying without the missing girls that Orangefield still would have won I have no idea, I have not seen HF play this year, and I don't remember them from last year. Just to clarify.
  3. I think Orangefield, HF, and Silsbee will be the top 3 teams next year.
  4. I heard his name on the news last night, he plays for one of the teams that Lamar would have played if they would have kept winning right?
  5. I get what you are saying about the girls not being there, that does hurt and I would be very mad if I was on that team and had to play without them to go skiing, anyway I was not at the game, but I know my sister made a home run off of a bunt (way to go Aimee Scales ) My question is even with the girls who aren't there can they really make up for 9 runs?
  6. I started this thread just to see if anyone has been approached by Lamar. I really wasn't looking for a debate on if there was anyone good enough to play there. Names & School would have been fine ;D
  7. ozen bball is respected in the state of texas believe me In girls basketball?
  8. Allie Beach and Jessica Weldon, only moved up to varsity for the playoffs last year she didn't letter.
  9. Congrats! Two very deserving teams!
  10. Anyone in this area know if Lamar has talked to any of the players around here?
  11. How can HJ be 13? Didn't they make it to the round of 8? ???
  12. Ang Green was the only girl in this area selected. Congrats!
  13. I don't know if any of you read the Orangefield\Navasota thread on the girls side, but there was a black official who called the tech on our girls at the end of the game for a rule that actually doesn't exist, he was black, our team is all white, Navasota all black, does that mean it was a raciest call, who knows, but I can argue that it was. Or what about Black History Month, there is no White history month is that raciest? Black Ms. America, there is not White Ms. America, raciest? And I read that this is SETX that is just how we are, wait, don't GENERALIZE me! In the words and Mr. Dick "you don't know me!" Like I said before, no one is saying it isn't a great accomplishment, it is! It's a HUGE deal, but how do we know it wasn't written about at all? Or maybe the people in Dallas aren't basketball nuts like the people in SETX and maybe aren't to intrested? WHO KNOWS EXCATLY WHY. The Beaumont Enterprise hardly ever writes about the girls sports does that make them sexist?
  14. We need a setter
  15. Should be tough, I think Silsbee is going to be tough to beat, but I predict no one goes undefeated.
  16. I'm hearing...Sam Houston, McNeese, New Orleans and possibly UTA. I believe she will go juco though so she will continue to play all the time and then transfer to a D1 after that. I think that's best for her, but if she does go D1 and it's not Lamar, I hope she goes to a team that plays Lamar so she can put it on them. She has that "it" factor that you can't coach, so Lamar passing on her blows my mind. She would be the 2nd best shooter on that Lamar team right now. If she was 4 inches taller it wouldn't be an issue. Stupid move by Lamar if you ask me!!! Very stupid!
  17. I don't think by us disagreeing with who should have won MVP is stopping them. I know your a coach and have to defend your picks, but Pluto isn't even from Orangefield and thinks it wasn't right, but it's done. I'd like to see Green and Little play together at LAMAR wouldn't that be something!!
  18. She broke every record this year at Orangefield, I think all of them were previously held by Coach Ancelot. ;D
  19. Congrats, you will be missed next year!!
  20. Guys guys, we are all...most...adults here. Let's stick to the thread. I think it has been decided they haven't picked yet. Give it a rest huh? 8)
  21. All-Leader Girls Team MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: Kaylin Little, Orangefield OFFENSIVE MVP: Lauren Angelle, Bridge City DEFENSIVE MVP: Laura Riddick, Orangefield NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR: Allie Beach, Orangefield COACH OF THE YEAR: Chris Jost, Orangefield FIRST TEAM Ellen Williams, LC-M Jessica Weldon, Orangefield Olivia Wagner, Orangefield Jenna Angelle, Bridge City Jordan Royal, Bridge City Krista Goleman, Deweyville SECOND TEAM Aimee Scales, Orangefield Amber Solieau, LC-M Amanda Vincent, Deweyville Cassie Keys, Vidor Ryshaniqua Winbush, WO-S Meghin Crawford, Vidor All-Xena Team (tough as nails): Laura Riddick, Orangefield (captain); Nardis McBride, LC-M; Sam West, Bridge City; Jenna Angelle, Bridge City; Amanda Vincent, Deweyville
  22. Pretty impressive for a FRESHMAN!! Congrats Brit, you're making your school and community proud! Keep it up.
  23. Really, I didn't know that. Hummm, looks like me and her will be hitting the courts this week!
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