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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. [Hidden Content] Had capability of communication monitoring. Stay on topic. No personal attacks. Name calling is Junior High - Not here.
  2. The parent put his hands on the coach?!?! I'm glad the husband defended his wife.
  3. You're REACHING. No one talks about PNG because PNG isn't good at girls basketball and hasn't been. I have to post scores and I haven't lived in SETX in 10 years.
  4. No one talks about PNG - good or bad on this forum.
  5. Getting WAY too personal. Move along.
  6. Is there a list of applicants anywhere?
  7. Not sure of the 8th grade group at OF, but I know the 7th graders didn't lose a district game this year - None were even close. I believe they also won Little Dribbers Nationals last year and a lot of them play on an AAU team.
  8. Prospective staffer accuses Santos of sexual harrasment. [Hidden Content]
  9. I’d like us to capture it, not shoot it down. Not sure how possible that is though.
  10. [Hidden Content] You have to use the search bar in order to find this on Fox News.
  11. I looked on Fox News first, but when I saw an article about Duchess Meghan Markel on the front page, I figured it had to be a slow news day for them.
  12. Secertary of State Blinken postpones trip to China after sighting of Chinese spy balloon.
  13. Wow, what a jobs report! From CNN's David Goldman Wall Street economists expected the US economy to add 185,000 jobs in January...and instead it added 517,000. Oh, and the unemployment rate fell to a 53-year low. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  14. I'd plead the 5th ALL DAY if it were me, but I'd never be dumb enough to set myself up to look foolish for mocking someone who used it to their advantage. Same think with Haley, I wouldn't be dumb enough to make a blanket statement like she did. Do you agree it's hypicritial to mock someone who pleads the 5th, then when your feet are to the fire you do the same thing? I honestly haven't reseached the case fully, but I agree with you to an extent that there have been ridiclous cases against Trump over the years, but I don't disagree with all of them.
  15. Any non-Vidor news/postings needs to me posted here.
  16. Yeah, this topic strayed - Let's get back to Vidor. I'll start a new thread about "What makes a good vs. great coach"
  17. Disgusting. I hope they're all criminally charged.
  18. My point exactly. Where was your post about Trump moking people pleading the 5th - Then him doing the same thing he mocked? You and a lot of others constatly post negatvie stories about liberals/Democrats, but you RARELY hold conseritives/Republicans - Mainly Trump accountable for all of the lies and idiotic things he's done and said.
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