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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. Nuclear Option being considered. Interview with Rep Michael McCaul - they’d vote that whoever gets the popular vote would become Speaker, which would force the 20 who are voting against McCarthy to vote for him or Jefferies. I can’t get the link to post, you’ll have to Google it.
  2. So then you could agree that this is not about principal?
  3. I'm not sure I saw where I agreed with Jefferies being the Speaker.
  4. No, I was refrencing Regan's post about principals when I posted a news source that Gaetz wanted the gavel of the HASC and he would vote for McCarthy.
  5. I don't know what he was refrencing, but it was stupid. Trump won the Electoral vote.
  6. House has voted to adjourn until 8pm.
  7. [Hidden Content] “We’re not empowering certain members over others,” McCarthy said. “Last night I was presented the only way to have 218 votes was if I provided certain members with certain positions, certain gavels, to take over certain committees and have certain budgets. “And they even came to the position where one, Matt Gaetz, said, ‘I don’t care if we go to plurality and we elect Hakeem Jeffries, and it hurts the new frontline members not to get re-elected.’” But Gaetz denied McCarthy’s account of their conversation. “As usual, he’s lying,” Gaetz told Florida via direct message. He also shared a Mediate article on colleagues of McCarthy previously scolding him for dishonesty.
  8. It was reported that Gaetz would back McCarthy if he was given the gavel to the HASC.
  9. If they were to offer Gatez the gavel to the House Armed Services Committee - I wonder if he'd change his tune.
  10. McCarthy has been unable to secure 218 votes during the 6th round of voting.
  11. I doubt anyone is sending their scores in. Please send all UIL GIRLS scores and updated record to Jeff Chatman at [email protected]
  12. CNN Reporting - Rep. Matt Gaetz's demands from Kevin McCarthy on Monday evening before the speaker’s vote. He demanded a subcommittee gavel on the powerful House Armed Services Committee, a source said, which McCarthy rejected. This has enraged some other Republicans, who say the hardliners came to McCarthy with personal asks.
  13. Republicans begin informal conversations with Democrats as McCarthy's path remains uncertain.
  14. 6th round has started. McCarthy nonimated by Rep Cammack of FL
  15. Wow. That takes.....How embarrassing.
  16. I disagree - The hardline Republicans are going to hold the chamber hostage - Just like we're seeing now. Not only that, but Democrats are going to use all of this for ads against Republicans in future elections which will almost guarantee a Democrat take of over the House, Senate, and Presidency in 2024. I am not a fan of one party having control of all three.
  17. Even if they elect a leader - To pass anything to send to the senate would take 218 votes - That will never happen, unless they can convince the lock and step Democrats to sign off on it. Republicans may have the House, but nothing will pass for the next two years.
  18. 5th round has started - McCarthy is nominated again by Rep. Warren Davidson of Ohio "We're on the precipice of such a destructive argument today. I plead with all, all of my Republican colleagues: let cooler, more rational heads prevail. Let us unite as Republicans to elect the next speaker of the House,"
  19. (D) Jefferies - 212 (R) McCarthy - 201 (R) Donalds - 20 Another stalemate. GOP Rep. Victoria Spartz voted present, dropping threshold to win speakership to 217 - She was a McCarthy supporter, so not much help.
  20. Who would everyone like to see as Speaker?
  21. Donalds has 20 votes now - Matching Jordans total from yesterdays vote.
  22. One time in one hundred years, but none the less not always.
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