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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. Orange Bracket Anahuac vs. Buna - 9am HF vs. OF - 10:15am White Bracket Deweyville vs. WOS - 9am OF - JV vs. Evadale - 10:15 am
  2. You don't know my political affiliation - You assume you know because I give you examples of what Trump and other Republican's have done and are doing and you say nothing, as soon as a Democrat has done or did you come here and blast them. It looks a lot like BLIND LOYALITY. IMO - A lot of you on here do not hold the party you affiliate with (Rep & Dem) accountable for the waste and the things they have done wrong, but you're very quick to jump on the opposite party for similar things. That's hypocritical.
  3. Trump stopped student loan payments and lowered the interest to 0% - Where was your outrage then?
  4. I'm going to search your posts to find where you were against the PPP loan "handouts" in the sum of $953 billion under the Trump admin - BRB, this could take a while.
  5. Would you like me to post the Tweets and posts from Republican members of congress?
  6. President Donald Trump's lenders have forgiven around $287 million in debt that he didn't pay back, and most of it was related to Chicago's Trump Tower. If it's "good for the goose is good for the gander", right?
  7. I do. I'm not one sided and do not blindly follow one "leader".
  8. Answer to your first question - Yes. Second answer - Yes. We're doing the "well a democrat did it, Trump can too" argument? Seems childish. How many HOURS did H. Clinton have to testify in front of Congress? I'm I use your logic, she was vilified also and I don't recall her pleading the fifth.
  9. Poll - Do you believe it is criminal that Trump brought classified documents to Mar-a-lago. Why or why not?
  10. What is your concern about this? Have you not paid your taxes?
  11. Like pleading the 5th? "If you're innocent why are you taking the fifth?"
  12. β€œThe mob takes the Fifth,” β€œIf you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” That didn't age well.
  13. I can only imagine the tone of this thread had this been Obama with classified documents at his home.
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