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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. Sterling 3-0 vs Dobie BH 3-0 vs Laporte Pasadena Memorial 3-0 Vs Lee Shadow Creek 3-2 vs Crosby Nederland 3-1 vs Huffman PNG 3-1 vs West Brook
  2. BC - 3 Dayton - 0 Lumberton - 3 OF - 2 Deweyville - 3 Legacy - 1
  3. "Ignore it and it will go away"
  4. I really gotta pay attention. 😄
  5. Why? I’m not sure I understand the problem with a freshman playing varsity sports.
  6. How is it NOT a gun issue? I've showed that other countries with strict gun laws and regulations have less gun violence.
  7. I know - That's why I posted it - It gives an actual explanation vs. just a blanket statement.
  8. So we agree - People with mental issues shouldn't own a fire arm, correct?
  9. I agree with this. But, it would be harder to kill me with a pillow than a gun.
  10. I again agree with this - but which ones should be allowed to carry? Are we letting anyone...or should we MAYBE do a background check....like most employers do....possibly a psych eval?
  11. Help me understand - You're saying, because people already drive recklessly we should have zero or limited regulations to driving?
  12. Ask a silly question, get a silly answer.
  13. You want to arm teachers? How many teachers do you know, personally? Also, I'm actually very very for arming teachers, BUT there's a cavoite.
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