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Everything posted by Bobcat1

  1. Well, that's actually my point. Something easily accessible as a gun - few to no regulations. Flying after after 9/11 - VERY regulated.
  2. As well as planes? I'm not sure I understand your rebuttal. So you'd agree that putting laws and regulations in place have helped stop planes crashing into buildings because they cannot fly themselves?
  3. I'm pro second amendment - I just cannot understand how easy it is to be a gun owner, that is what baffles me.
  4. And how many laws & new regulations were passed because of 9/11? It's almost like something changed and we haven't had another 9/11 since.
  5. From new information - It seems the shooter was engaged by school district police before he was able to enter the building. He also did this to just one classroom....
  6. How does one play too many games and NOT know it. Seems very careless to me.
  7. I have no idea who this person is, but I'm not sure I understand the reasoning to rename it at all...Much less after someone who didn't do a very good job while he was there.
  8. What's the matchup like for this game?? How's Livingston?
  9. Who all has openings as of right now?
  10. It will "stop" less than 10% of all abortions in the US. I posted a link to an article on the first page about it.
  11. After it's born, no I think that's considered murder. Maybe TVC can help us with that. 🙄
  12. I do not think abortion should be used as birth control, but I also don't think it's any of our business what is discussed and decided between a doctor and a patient. Do any of you actually know someone who's had to make this choice before? I feel like a lot of you think that it's something they women WANT to do, it's not. They're doing it because they think it's best for the situation they are in.
  13. For their 18th birthday, all males should get a vasectomy - It's reversible until their ready for a child. This gives all the power to men on reproduction.
  14. Post any coaches on the move here.
  15. Scroll to the third article down. Starts like this:
  16. This is a very interesting read - [Hidden Content]
  17. Where do you see softball and basketball separated?
  19. Prom. That's the only place I can think of.
  20. This is a bit shocking - Did OF keep their starters out because they already clinched first? Did Vidor play awesome? Or both?
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