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Everything posted by formerhornet

  1. He might have won a lot of games, but the real question is how many state titles has he won? The answer is..........ZERO!!!!!
  2. How many yards does Newton have on the ground? Anybody know?
  3. I made the team, and started 3 years at the Varsity level. Not downing them, just trying to keep this post real. Some people on here need a reality check. I don't try to get people upset, just trying to make people realize that Hardin and their players are nothing to brag about. But, hey if my posts get on your nerves, then I guess they do. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and has freedom to express it. Good Luck to BOTH teams tomorrow night. May the better team win!
  4. Has anyone actually seen Hardin's run defense? Yes, I will admit that it is better than last years, BUT its nothing special. Shepherd gashed them for MAJOR yardage, and I expect Anahuac to do the same. I know someone will say they gave up major rushing because MV got hurt. BOLOGNA! They can't stop the run very well when he does play. I think it will be high scoring, but in the end, I say Anahuac wins by at least 2 TDs.
  5. He wouldn't even start at Dayton.
  6. Where does bushpilot get his information that UT, A&M, LSU, Alabama and KU are recruiting him? I think he is in love with MV and dreams of him playing at one of these D1 schools. I would like to see proof that they have been at the games to watch him play.
  7. So, people still think that he is being recruited by major D1 colleges. I agree with footballplayer about him. Sam Houston, SFA, Lamar quite possibly. UT, A & M, OU anybody of that caliber definite NO. He's nothing more than a big fish in a small pond. He wouldn't start on a 4A squard, so how can someone honestly believe that he's D1 caliber. Some people that post on this thing need a reality check. MV is above average playing against weak schools.
  8. How can someone say that Villemez is a D1 prospect? Put him on Dayton's squad and he doesn't even start! I've seen him play, he's NOT THAT GOOD people! If someone thinks that UT and LSU are scouting him, they are CRAZY. Besides, I've heard he has a REALLY BAD ATTITUDE especially if he doesn't get his way. He's a big crybaby.
  9. If Davis has a torn ACL he isn't gonna come back in time to play against HD. If anyone thinks otherwise, they are seriously CRAZY! If that injury is true, then hes done for the year. So how did Hardin look in their two scrimmages this year? Did the quarterback they RECRUITED from NC do any good? From listening to Haynes talk on the radio, they didn't do well at all and I think he even mentioned something about maybe runnig the ball more this year cause they don't have anyone that can throw the ball. But Stelly is certainly not the answer either. I hope that he has picked up the concept that the endzones are at opposite ends of the field and not on the sidelines so in order to score a touchdown you have to run north and south NOT east and west like he has done in the past. (I know I'm gonna get a response from some Hardin fan saying that they are gonna go to the playoffs and blah, blah, blah, but I think the reality of how average Hardin will be this year is about to set in in Hornet Country).
  10. What do you care who I am? I am a man of my own opinions and if you don't like it then don't read what I have to say.
  11. Haynes wins everywhere look at his numbers - thats a fact! Yes, Haynes does have a good record. But if you look back, he did not win at Eisenhower, AND HE HAS NEVER WON A STATE CHAMPIONSHIP WITH ANY TEAM HE HAS EVER COACHED. NEVER EVER EVER!! His teams will put up tremendous offensive numbers simply because he likes to throw the ball from the spread offense. That particular offense is very hard for high school teams to stop. The only downside to it is that they have to out score everyone because they don't play much defense because they don't have enough practice time because MOST of it is devoted to offense rather than defense. Let me pose a question to everyone. If Nolan and Marsh were so good last year, then why didn't they sign with a D-1 school or any college on national signing day? They can't be THAT GOOD. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  12. November 9, 2007 EC 57- Hardin 29, subs played 4th quarter....Refresh your memory? You may have your boy Thomas this year but the Dickey can go and will be a d-1 prospect. Playing in a four-a school then facing EC is a smaller task. Hang loose there Buc Fan you may be in for a rude awakening. The Dickey kid is good but better watch the Stelly kid this year he is huge and fast heading to the state powerlifting meet with a first at regionals, this team is stacked with skill players If these are the only two skill players they have, then how can you call a team stacked with skilled players if all you can name is two. In order for a RB to be good, you have to have an offensive line right? From what I remember watching Hardin's game this past season, is that Stelly seemed to have a hard time remembering where the end zone was since he seemed to run straight for the sidelines, rather I should say east/west rather than north/south like a person carrying the ball should do. If thats all Hardin has is an above average running back then all teams have to do is shut him down, then what? But in order to win games, unless you outscore everyone, don't you have to play a little thing called defense. The offense that Coach Haynes runs is hard to stop, but I'm sure it takes so much practice time to get all the offensive timing and such down, how do you have time to practice defense? I want someone that is currently on the Hardin Hornet football team, or one that played on it this past season to reply and tell everyone how much practice time was devoted to DEFENSE.
  13. I love this. The fact that you guys will argue over a thread at each other trying to reign supreme over one another. In my opinion, until Hardin beats EC Hardin has no right to talk smack about being better than EC simply because of the beatings they suffered at the hands of the Bucs. Don't be surprised if it happens again this year as well. Until proven otherwise, EC is better then Hardin, always has been always will.
  14. Well, well, well. Yet another weak pre-district schedule for the Hornets. The only good team is HD. Tarkington was nothing last year, and is usually pretty bad every year. Shepherd was nothing last year and I believe they finished last in their district. I haven't looked into Trinity's record from the previous season, but I'm sure they're not a powerhouse team. So, the Hornets play another weak pre-district schedule and give everyone in Hardin false hope that they may have a decent team. Last year should have been an example to everyone that they weren't that good. EC totally ran them in the ground, and so did Crawford along with any other good team. Hardin can't play defense and everyone in the town knows it. I don't think that RECRUITING the players they have is going to yield any better results.
  15. I WOULD say that Liberty should easily win this one, BUT what happened to them during district play I might have to choose Tarkington to win. Liberty has blown leads in all district games, and may lose on the last play of the game this week. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!
  16. I can't believe that Hardin's QB, Jordan Nolan, is ranked in the area as one one the highest rated passers. Have they watched any Hardin games this year? I heard a rumor from someone I know in Hardin that some people in Hardin are actually thinking that he is gonna get a college scholarship for football. What are they putting in the water over there because these people really are crazy!!
  17. You guys crack me up. Another thing I can say about Hornet fans is that when Hardin is losing its ALWAYS the officials fault. The fans are always blaming the officials when they lose. So I suppose the reason that Hardin lost to Buna was not because Buna was a much better team, it was because the officials made more calls in Buna's favor. Correct me if I'm wrong Hornet fans!
  18. Yes, I understand that Hardin is 8-1. Do people not understand that the only reason they are 8-1 is because of the WEAK non-district schedule they played. I mean when you play a couple of Class A schools, do you really expect much competition from them at all. Come on Hardin fans, WAKE UP! You're team is good, but not THAT GOOD! They will make the playoffs, as the 3rd place team, and then get CRUSHED in the first round, by a far superior team. Yes, I am a graduate of Hardin, and I am proud of them but everyone in Hardin needs to face reality and realize that the team is not that good.
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