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Everything posted by PNG70

  1. I Figure that is what is coming.....Vickie is doing the face turn and bringing back Taker will complete the turn.
  2. delaney turned on Dreamer and cost him the match
  3. Ok I am not going to respond to everything East Tx said above but I want set the record straight once and for all regarding the Umpire situation regarding the lack of local Umpires.I can tell you that almost EVERY local Umpire was contacted regarding this tournament..and I can tell you that each one of them either because of having to work their real jobs,family obligations,not returning calls or just plain didnt want to Umpire.Now as far as Snake goes.....Snake was not called because he is near impossible to reach by phone and he just recently lost his cell phone and nobody has the new number yet.Now as far as no local umpires this tournament that statement is untrue....one local Umpire from beaumont was there on friday and saturday and also an Umpire from Orange Umpired all 3 days.
  4. His name is Mike Awesome...what a moron..lol
  5. GT Shockers 14u is hosting a NAFA Sectional Qualifying Tournament on July 12 -13 in Beaumont.This is an Open Tournament meaning if you are already Qualified for NAFA Nationals you are still eligible to play in this Tournament.ALL Age groups are Open 10u,12u,14u,16u,and18u.Anyone interested in playing in this Tournament or anyone needing information can PM me or call 409-728-6077 or 409-284-6809 for information. Thanks
  6. Tonight on Raw following a beating by Batista on Edge.CM Punk cashed in his Money In The Bank Title Shot and pinned Edge in less than 10 seconds to become the New World Heavyweight Champion.
  7. That is a shocker, i can tell in that look he wasnt too happy, hey coop do u think Triple H heading to Smackdown for good, RAW is loaded with a bunch of talent, im expecting Orton to go to Smackdown and Big Show goes back to ECW PNG70 have u heard any rumors on whats gonna happen in the future Triple H will be staying on Smackdown...biggest reason is that SD is the show Stephanie works on and with her about to have her second baby with Triple H on SD he can spend more time with Steph and The Kids.
  8. Vince is fine....It was all an Angle to help stop Vince Million Dollar Giveway.....Vince was backstage at the Houston Press Conference and was ok...They will drag it out for a couple weeks and keep Vince off of TV. Also The Undertaker will return at the July 8 Smackdown Tapings in Baton Rouge...he will be crashing the wedding Of Edge and Vickie.
  9. Congrats to all the local teams on a great tournament this weekend.Alot of great Softball was played at Ford Park this weekend.Congrats and Thank Yous to Ronnie and Nara Cole on a VERY well ran tourney considering that Mother Nature tried to drive us away several times this weekend. HUGE Thank Yous go out The Entire Orange Crush Crew on a SUPERB job of field maintenance this weekend.Without John Harrell,Bubba Harris and The Orange Crush Gold Bunch along with Marty Jaynes and The 18u Crush along with Tommy Thompson,Kevin Wiggins and all the other Crush folks working the fields we would have probably never finished this tournament. Also many Thanks to BHBLUE,DaMan and all the other Umpires this weekend on a great job as well.
  10. Every Golfer on The PGA Tour just cheered...means others will have a chance to win a Tourney Hurry Back Tiger!!!!!!
  11. Post Your Teams Game Results Here and Good Luck To All
  12. Geez look at Cornette...somewhere there is a naked circus clown missing his suit
  13. Saw this last week and forgot to post it....their big name Superstars are Sid Vicious and X-Pac
  14. yep he asked for some time off awhile back and they are just now letting him off...he will be back soon from what I understand......Look for an Edge vs Batista feud now.
  15. Received an email today....tickets go on Sale Saturday September 20th.
  16. btw I believe the Draft is June 23 in San Antonio not June 16
  17. I have heard Umaga to Smackdown and Batista to Raw is a VERY good possibility
  18. I doubt he could pass the drug test
  19. It was a good day of softball with some of the best 14u teams I have seen in awhile.Yes Texas Ice no showed and cause some interesting scheduling problems for the other teams and Umpires as well.Yes Shannon Sain took a nasty blow to the eye during the final game and after the game the eye was swollen pretty much shut as I could tell,maybe Slam14 or News can furthur update this.Thanks to the Shockers 14u Group for a good day of softball.
  20. LOL.....Yeah but will he have the guts to use it
  21. Yikes well I think we know now who THE BOSS is at CCs House...lol
  22. 4 way elimination world title match order of elimination... 1.JBL by Cena 2.Cena by Orton 3.Orton by HHH TRIPLE H NEW WWE WORLD CHAMPION!!!
  23. lol talk about a hard introduction to travel ball for Mrs Homer........but welcome Mrs Homer to the World of Travel Ball
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