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Everything posted by footballplayer

  1. after watching this one burkville will beat most teams in the distinct if they get an offence together there D line might be one of the best in district and if you don't belive me just wait til you play burkeville
  2. is that Brian Dempsey kid out for the season that's what i heard but idk if that's true or not.....if he plays HD by a touchdown if he does not play HI by a touchdown...either way its going to be a close game
  3. lmao Thats funny. Footballplayer and formerhornet sound like little jealous school kids to me. They know very little about the game. No sense in arguing with em. Side note: I'd sure like to see either one of them (or both) line up against him. Good luck to Mitch in whatever he decides to do. FYI i have lined up against him since i was in pee wee that's why i dont think he will get a scholarship at a major D1 he could make the team but idk about scholarship but he defiantly can play but i just see him ending up a SFA SAM or a good Jr. college but i also remember a great athlete Brandon Letsinger who got a Scholarship offer to Mizzou and turned it down and he only weighed about 160 to 170 so you never know what could happen all i say is good luck to him i am just stating my opinion from what I've seen playin him all thos years
  4. who wins....... I'm pickin West Hardin
  5. So your argument is, that if Copeland didn't go major D1 (FBS), that Villamez can't. Are you serious? ya pretty much
  6. Well if we're comparing him to local kids who "could of been" I'll take a crack at it i don't think he can play for a major D1 but he will play college football just compare him to TYLER COPELAND (6'4 215 4.6 end of senior year bench 260) he got looked at by big names but wasn't good enough to play for them so he ended up at SAM HOUSTON which is a D1 but not a major D1 like yall are talking about so NOWAY this kid can play major D1 football as for "can play many positions" argument Tyler Copeland could play QB, TE, LB, DE, FS that kid knew football and not at major D1
  7. Are yall crazy their is no way i would put my money on Evadale against some of the teams that yall are talking about hell i don't even see them walking threw that district yes HD is down they will beat them no problem but i think it will be a shoot out with them and WH....they aren't even in my top 10........ but back 2 the topic its a tough one to pick but i think 1.WOS 2.Kville 3.Newton 4.WB 5.Lumberton 6.PNG 7.Silsbee 8.Vidor 9.Jasper 10.Hardin
  8. I Heard a rumor that Keith Gilmore was no longer playing for HD. Is this rumor true?? if so Kountze wins big
  9. one more day then people better be ready to put up or shut up.........
  10. from what i've seen Hardin is the better team but HD always pulls something crazy....but istill say hardin wins this one Hardin-35 HD-7
  11. always a good game between these 2 but i WH wins it this year
  12. only time will tell...from what I've read Evadale is starting to get a little big headed and might lose focus but the district is still going to be like it has in the past a battle out of 3 teams HD, WH, & Evadale can't wait for August
  13. Who is going to win this district
  14. this is true but this next year i think it's going to be a battel of the "D"
  15. i think this would be a great idea for a lot of small school players... What are the chances of this actually happening for next year?
  16. that's what i like to hear...you can't do a thing if the center is getting hammered every play
  17. The reason i think they don't get a lot of glory that they deserve is because linemen take pride in what they do(in most cases) they don't care about their stats as long as they get the WIN
  18. Who is going to have the best "D" in district 23-a? it's up in the air for me WH has the most coming back from last year but i just can't pick the best.
  19. Which D do think is the best the 50 or 4-3? i personaly think the 50 is better
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