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  1. any predictions for tonights game?
  2. West Hardin over Sabine Pass... 4823
  3. The game against West Hardin & West Sabine: in Kirbyville, 7:30... The oilers are going to play a good game and just like last year they will not go down with out a fight. I agree, the oilers do have several players with a huge heart. Especially the SR boys, they want nothing more than to make it past the 1st round. Oh yea, yes Tubbs is out, and he is having surgery on his leg..I hate it that happened to him on his sr year :'( But like several other people have mentioned, the team will be fine without him. There are several people with great running the ball skills. GOOD LUCK OILERS!!
  4. What do you mean "what"? There are 3 previous posts so which one are questioning? If its the fact that WH girls will do good in basketball this year, there is nothing for you to be questioning... GO OILERS
  5. yea we are very fortunate to have Coach Cruz. I feel like we are being coached by a famous coach or something....She is so great... and yea Coach Granny is a really good coach too... oh yea who is whsalum? ???
  6. Coach Cruz is our coach this year and she does want to be there, so i think we are in good hands for this upcoming season. We have a lot of talent on our team and Coach Cruz is going to help us put it all together. 1st warm-up Game--Tuesday 6:00 WH gym
  7. Actually we have 4 other people that can run the ball... Tubbs is good, but he is not the whole team And we have a good QB, and some dang good recievers
  8. The HD Bobcats are not feared by anybody. And the line about discipline... You guys have no discipline. You show up to practice when you want to, and there is a very mild punishment. SO to clear things up a bit, there isn't much discipline at HD in sports, or in the school itself. West Hardin Oilers are entering the field with confidence, but not with the assumption that we have already won the game. And i bet the idiot mouthing about tubbs and copeland feel real smart now that zach has got on and defended them. Just like he said...tubbs has just as many yds at this point in the season that zach had last year, and Copeland can throw a perfect 45yd pass from his knees. And both guys have the leadership to keep the guys focused and pumped. So like i have said before, we need to stop mouthing and trying to predict the game because all we can do now is just show up. May the best team win... GO OILERS![/b]
  9. Im very confused... ???Why continue talking crap? You know you cant predict the game, so why are you trying to convince yourself that you can? We will see tonight who is going to win. That is all there is to it. Daisetta is scared or you would have stopped mouthing a long time ago. All i can say is i hope you can back it up...BRING IT!! Lets go oilers!! and of coures EXPECT VICTORY!
  10. 1st of all...HD is evidently very scared or you wouldnt be talking so much crap. Unlike hd, west hardin has class. Yea we can sit here and talk crap, but we would rather just prove to you who is gonna take the victory on the field. And everyone who has posted comments from wh have only been fans. And FYI Coach Westfall is not allowing the boys to waste their time posting msgs. He would rather them continue to prepare to whip the bobcats AGAIN... Yea this is going to be a good game, and the better team will come out on top. As bad as we think we can, none of us can predict this game, so may the best team win!!! GO OILERS!!!
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