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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. It's mandatory for all UT fans... R they rivals? (I know 0/zilch/nothing about college football)
  2. Do yall think he was the best in the state from his class?
  3. I'm pretty sure cody and one of his friends have been joking around on this thread...sum_1 r u cody?
  4. wasn't hj veryy young lastyear? AJ25, what's the color of the sky over there where you are? Yes, HJ was very young last year - but they also weren't very good. This year they are more mature - but they STILL aren't very good. At your best, you MIGHT be playing for the third spot. Good luck. Hahaha "they were young last year and not very good....their more mature this year and still not very good"
  5. HAVE YOU HEARD IF CRIS LEFT WARREN Yeah he left he knew this season was going to be real bad so yeah he split Hahaha that's funny. Don't know if I'd be mad at him for that or not. I mean sure he weasled away from you'll at a bad time but then again can't blame him for wanting to have a chance of winning.
  6. That's funny I got a good laugh out of that...was he reprimanded for it?
  7. Bluedove=aau guru Where you been these days big guy? Basketball forum has been dead without you.
  8. You and "luv ya blue" are going to get along great. Lol
  9. I think Vidor may upset some people this year.
  10. I agree about 2-3...never liked it to much. Unless your players are really agressive with it its easy to break. A lot of the time I feel teams would be better off with a box 1 defense.
  11. Want a cookie? Sorry for that had to do it lol
  12. 3 most comonly spoken words by utfan "Should've" "Last year"
  13. Good point, they get paid to win. A coach is not going to play less talent and end up getting his but run off. If you kid is good enough he will get to play. If the lesser talented kid has the same last name as the Superintendent or Board President, he/she is going to play. It happens in schools all over this state. Doesn't make it right but it is what it is. There's a prime example of it going on at e.c. Right now.
  14. It cracks me up how you think you'll are above the rest of the football playing world lol
  15. Lumberton wishes there was a lot of competition Dayton realizes that youl aren't even on the same level.
  16. How will Lumberton look this year? Kinda pale
  17. Its 842 in the morning and OU...is still better than the horns.
  18. Depends on the situation.
  19. Just a scrimmage...anyone who was there think it was seriously bad or they just need more time?
  20. Dude from reading your previous posts I understand that you want everyone to know that your a d@#ned fool but what's your deal? Seriously why do you want to make yourself look dumb?
  21. Dang you guys are dogging e.c. But its true I must admit. Untill e.c. Beats Newton you'll should be revered the better team...and no they didn't play a&m that week it was tech.
  22. It AGGRVATES the spit out of me when people can't spell...this deffinately is not a topic titled "post here if you can't spell'' please post on the right topic big guy.
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