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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. Every time I see him on an interview or anything its like he doesnt realize hes good at somthing. He seems like one of those people youd be able to walk up to and talk to like you had known him your whole life.
  2. Well guys? I think PNG wins in a nail biter what do you'll think?
  3. Newton to much for E.C.
  4. Second in district...depends who they face in playoffs...Ktz owns this district this yeat.
  5. Primo example of why you'll think people hate on Lumberton.
  6. Well well, you just must be some bad dude to just bust right through the line and tackle a running back. Dude...it was a scrimmage with the 2nd string playing most of the time. Some of you HF people seem to always bring up that scrimmage like it really meant something. I don't know who it was that said this last year...maybe one of the HF coaches or something said...they weren't impressed with Lumberton at all last year during the scrimmage and bla bla bla...then Lumberton goes and pulls off the season that they did. So you HF fans just keep putting a lot of stock into that SCRIMMAGE last year and see where that gets you. What's the difference in them talking bout that scrimmage and you'll talking bout LAST YEARS SEASON? Hey Lumberton 2008 is here just thought I'd let you'l know.
  7. Football was long before Thomas, too. Playoffs 13 straight. So true. I don't need proff but apparently everyone else does.
  8. For E.C. It would prove that there is football after Thomas.
  9. Must not be the type to set high goals lol
  10. Do you know who will be running the ball for them?
  11. Because you'll are by far the worst. 4 example raidernaytion...the guy is a clown lol
  12. Don't NBA teams have camps similar to walk on opportunities?
  13. Call me blind but I just don't see orangefield having any problems in this game. I hope its a great game for both teams, but I think orangefield.
  14. Buc is a Lumberton HATER. If you go back and look at most if not all of his posts about Lumberton in the past you will find they are almost always negative...therefore proving he is a HATER! I'm not quite sure why he is or why he dislikes Lumberton so much and wants them to fail at all times...who knows? Diamond-J is also a Lumberton HATER. The same statement above describes his usual dialogue about Lumberton. The only difference is that I'm pretty sure why he's a HATER. Don't have a problem in the world with Lumberton hope yall win state for the next 100 years...yall tend to be cocky and arrogant on here though...a little humility goes a long ways.
  15. Is this rhetorical?
  16. Nice...plain simple and as true as could be.
  17. Luv Ya Blue or Razor: You guys seem to be big fans, did these two teams scrimmage last year? If so, how did that come out? Lumberton won--the score was: Lumberton 327 HF -84 Please explain...or was this just an example of idiocracy?
  18. well engleber, what exactly does that have to do with anything?? Were not talking about last year, or the year before. Its about this season, 2008! How about you take HF and put them in 20 4a and on top of that give them a 2 touchdown head start. They would still come in last place. Nothin worse than a bitter idiot.
  19. 3 on offense and three on defense. One guy carries the ball through a line of people and players thats 10 to 12 feet wide. It may be wider than that but it seems like it's really narrow. So its just a drill what's the big attraction?
  20. I can believe that...I think were all overlooking Deweyville and their gonna surprise some people.
  21. What exactly is 3 on 3?
  22. If your gonna fish bayside (I'm assuming from a boat otherwise your better off on beachside) follow the birds they'll bring you to the specks. Reds should be in full run right now. Gonna be windy though.
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