Driving isn't a privelege as far as the school is concerned. They have nothing to do with driving. Am I wrong?
Would it be better to say "parking on school premesis is a privelege"
Did you'll see the look on Kobes face as the time was getting slim? His eyes were so hollow looking like he has done all he can and it still isn't happening for him.
Now that's deep
Stupidest defense ever when they went 1-1 on Kobe...I think that wasn't Doc Rivers plan...they almost pulled it off though.
Of course he can't do it without some help he's not Superman.
Guarantee you Lakers would have pulled that off in L.A. If that wasn't a nail biter I don't think there ever was one.
Did you'll notice the Lakers had a 41 pt. 4th quarter???????
Is that a record????? I find it quite amazing.