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Everything posted by Bucof2010

  1. He is. He's # 14 for Newton and plays great defense - but not much else. sounds like a sore loser to me
  2. When one of you guys gets your hand about 11' in the air and throws a basketball DOWN through the goal then ill b impressed by your not liking his dunk
  3. U must be from Newton Boss.
  4. hope e.c. wins but the road has to end somwhere. hope its not here.
  5. Congrats Kountze. I have a feeling the next 2 years will be huge for Kountze with all the sophomores they had on this team.
  6. Keep it up guys 1 more 2 go. (as if their reading this as they play ;D)
  7. It seems like bucs have a lot of sluggish first halves. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  8. Who does Ozen have to get around to get to Yates?
  9. You guys arent seriously saying that Liberty is half as good as Dayton are youll? There is no disputing that Liberty is in the easiest 3a district PERIOD no way Liberty could compete with Dayton.
  10. watch it now that hate talk is for savages
  11. Vances 3 point ability is probably his most surprising asset I think.
  12. Out of sheer curiosity what's the "I think of BH like I do Oklahoma" thing mean?
  13. Sure all that is great and probably the best reasons to play h.s. Sports but when your sitting in ur home town a year or two after u graduate talking about how great it was for a year or two. How much did u really get out of it?
  14. Definately a compliment. Its bigger in my mind that we beat yall than kountze as far as bragging rights. Obviously it means less 2 our season as a whole but it seems like the team stepped up aftr that win
  15. I see so many similarities between these BH basketball fans and the Lumberton football fans
  16. I have to agree with ozensfinest as far as no matter how far u go in the playoffs if it doesn't generate scholarships then its now accomplishing much. Take e.c. For an example this year we didn't have half the season lumberton had school is less than half the size of lumbertons and yet we turn out two d-11 scholarships so how much more r the athletes in lumberton accomplishing? On the other hand I don't think there's a question about anthony beard going d-1 hell at the rate he's going rite now I can c him playin nfl in a few years
  17. I think it comes down to this. Newton will have a run and gun style of play and will be faster than e.c. But if e.c. Slows it down they will be alright because e.c. Will have more skill and talent
  18. I hope HJ puts a whoopin on them. I have a little thing against Navasota. Old gf same story
  19. Who's e.c. Lookin at playin next week?
  20. Wow e.c. Came to play apparently.
  21. Why such a late start? Was it so everyone would have time to get there?
  22. And you haven't got a real response yet?
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